
Though people do try to sexualize her by trying to get her confirmation on her sexuality. Because you can't have nontraditional female hair as a female, wear a lot of pant-based outfits (especially tuxedo-inspired outfits), and dance like James Brown and as though you have no fucks to give without people's minds

I also use bras closer to my skin tone if I know I'm doomed/don't care if my bra strap shows under sleeveless garments—-like casual tanks—-and I'd rather my strap be more subtle than white-or-black bold.

I rarely ever watch DWTS, nor do I have an opinion of who I want to win. This time, there's no contest. ALFONSO. GIT IT.

Really?? I didn't know that detail. How cool!

Whooooooa...I remember when this song came out because I was a high school teen during the 90s-into-early-2000s and I knew my share of sugary pop music. I can guarantee you that I didn't listen to the lyrics very closely because I just had a "What did you just say to my teenage self, Jordan Knight???" moment. In my

This. Game. Ugh. So wonderfully creepy and such a great soundtrack and ugh.

This is quite a pretty dress—very romantic in shape, texture, and color. I feel like something is missing here and I'm not sure what it is... (If this came in a lavendar/purple version, ooo, I would rock this as a wedding dress. Though maybe change the neckline because I am a small-up-top lady and this cut doesn't do

I actually dig this. I think it's that stitched middle area/belt area that helps create a little something extra. Then again, she's just lovely, period.

But Perry's lyrics are often risqué as well. That birthday song, for example, has its share of sexual innuendoes/allusions, e.g. when she's talking about bringing out the big balloons, she isn't talking balloons... And it doesn't help that my friend was babysitting some kids who wanted to listen to her song about

Art history. Sure it was only at 10am, but it was in a warm, dark room with plenty of seats to be spread out and away from the prof. Plus she had this lovely European accent that cradled me to sleep to dream of architecture and naked people carvings. That semester was a mind trip.

Post-11pm was the safe starting point for that damn AOL dial-up. When else was I going to be able to get any Internet-based homework done? ...Or visit Sailor Moon boards and read X-Files fan fiction...#UST-specificShipper4life

Looks like something that you'd see in a sci-fi dystopian film, and I mean that in a good way! Love the texture.

Do any major sites stream or offer DVDs of Neon Genesis? I've known about the show for a long time but didn't start getting interested in watching it until recently (I guess with age and maturity come blah blah).

After going through his log, I'd say this is definitely my favorite. Great lines, nice mesh of game music/effects. Love the music he adds. Love the shifts at 1:55 and 2:33. Plus he's clearly got guitar talent.

Nuh-uh. You don't find A. A makes you think you've found A, then A pulls the rug out from under you and punches you in a butt cheek. Because that's how messed up A is. (I'm also still somewhere in the middle/middle end of season 4 and I'm impressed we're still playing the, "OKAY. We're all pretty much 100% sure we

Contact lenses most likely. I was getting lunch in D.C. last week, and the female server who took my order was stylish in her uniform (cute up-do, make-up, neat manicure) and clearly cared about her appearance. The minute she looked up at me, I had to steel myself because she had contacts that exaggerated her eyes

I'd never thought about it, but this is a great idea you have given me a new dream. But for four-player purposes, who would the third person be...hmm...

I would love to show more support for female artists like Nicki holding down the hip hop/MCing community...if only I actually liked more of her music. This song? There were far and between too few moments when I went, "that's a nice line" and thought to myself, "...this is just making me want to switch to listening to

But what's interesting is that I can drink Starbucks caramel lattes and machiattos and be fine. That's why I'm wondering if there's something about the spice mix in the pumpkin flavoring that is the problem.

I've had this drink twice. Each time, my stomach has gotten upset not too long after. So I now associate the drink with a wish for physical discomfort, which is fine because I know what I'm missing and I'm okay with not feeling like crap every time. (I should take the time to look at the ingredients this year and