
In the manga, yes, but not in the anime (unless they gave it to her in one of the much later seasons).

Rei went to a different, private school from the rest of the girls.

OH GEEZ. 0.o I made it through this series and something about it always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was my brain and my eyes fighting against each other due to how absurd the designs looked... Cuz that's absurd.

And PGSM was just so good!!

Normally, I find myself not liking these "band re-imagines a childhood classic tune" videos. But this composition and the vocalist work really well together. Very nice.

This was actually my thought, too! Especially since they have done it before!!

I just said hi and saw this man at Awesome Con last weekend in D.C. He was pleasant (seemed a bit tired but, you know, all da fans). He even kept his hand in a safe place on my back when I got my pic taken with him (for a small fee, of course, but salgood; I've spent as much money on much more stupid things). Hence,

I wouldn't mind her wearing underpants if the photo selected had her posing more...actively. We've seen enough of her music videos to know that Beyonce can emote a good range of activeness. Independent "I do not need you so do not overstep your worth" strength. Angry "you wanna fuck with me then BRING IT" strength.

I've never played the game, so that's good to know. I may have to go search for some video when I have the chance.

This idea could work as a horror movie. The process of many horror movies follows the lyrics fairly well: It's a world of laughter (oh, we're going on a trip around the world! Fun expectations!). A world of tears (oh no, something weird is happening and people are dying, why??). A world of hope (Maybe...just

Ooo...I'ma need someone to get me a full-length photo so I can see what this dress looks like (I love swishy skirts and the color looks lovely on her).

That pitch was probably scrapped because something similar enough to it will be coming out in one of the next three Avatar sequels.

Sometimes, the invitations do provide that cue. But I've noticed the occasional invites that are neutral enough (a pair of heels with black saddle shoes; a bouquet of daisies) that they don't tell me anything about the actual colors, if the couple even have themed colors to begin with (since some don't). But you're

Here's a question I've pondered in the past: Is there a rule for how to proceed with choosing your outfit when you know of the wedding party's color pallet and you're not in the wedding? In other words, my favorite color is purple, and I have a few different shades of lavendar/purple/fuschia/magenta spring dresses

I think I need to sit down and figure out what story lines I want to see and start placing bets with my other friends who haven't read the books to get some gambling in motion. Because there are so many plot points that could go various ways if you have no idea what's actually going to happen. It's exciting and yet

One of the points on my mental checklist for shopping (since I own enough clothes as it is that I need to personally validate new additions) is: Does skirt/dress have secret pockets? If yes, is a good buy. If no, seek elsewhere. Not all skirts/dresses have the design to warrant good-looking pockets, but I love a place

I liked it more when I thought it was shirt—the black lined/striped portion with the sleeves would make for an adorable top I would actually wear.

I find the two-piece, midriff bearing look to STILL be hit or miss, depending on the fabric, colors, etc. But I love how simple yet effect this look works on Alba. I'm wondering if a fun bangle would've added or not, but she looks pretty and adorable simultaneously.

Sneaky!! And we see it in her hands later? Why would she take it?

I feel like my ability to celebrate was seriously short-lived because now I'm super concerned about how the change of political power (or the tension that will probably arise in the Tyrell-Lannister game of "Who will people respond to as their actual queen?") will definitely cause blood to spill in the name of the