
This was my favorite too, though I liked a lot of her first album. I always wanted her to be bigger since she has the vocal talent and had a more assertive presentation than the other female pop singers of the time. As in other ladies might be singing, "Ooh, come on cute boy, be my boyfriend!" and Jo Jo's giving them

You are trying to get me fired from my job and/or die from choking on my baby carrots watching J.C. do something and not bust out the laughter desperate to be set free.

Boots? What I'm seeing are funky leg warmers with crocs. F-ing crocs. I'm sad those shoes have a more global spread than I realized...

Me too. I'm adjusting my eating style to be healthier with the end goal of losing some weight but also just having more energy, especially right now during the bleaker part of winter. And it's amazing how infrequently I think about drinking water until I get home from work and am so thirsty I pound out a glass or so.

Ooh. New website to stalk. Thanks!!

Something seems disproportioned/misplaced in this one—her legs don't seem to line up anatomically with her body from the skirt up. That or she's supposed to have a really large butt? I can't pinpoint the exact issue, but it looks wrong. The detailing otherwise is nice.

Can we consider the logic behind this photo's set-up? We have a female body lying down in the middle of...a nature path? An unpaved road? She's surrounded by a forest. I don't see anything to be envied from this photo because this is clearly the art cover for a horror movie. All you need is a sinister-looking person

(GRR, Kinja, I clicked on Gaby Hoffman, not Anna Chlumsky) I think I'm losing some of my smarts when it comes to color. What color is the HBO GIRLS background? Because it looks purple to me. Hoffman's shirt also looks like it leans quite a bit towards purple, though I could see it a blue heading into purple territory.

This is exactly where my mind went when I read the article. I miss that show.

I call it a "Fuck You." Fierce hairstyle. It's not an exclamation. It's not a question. It's a straight-forward statement.


I KNOW. I vouch for my taste when it comes to stories related to the supernatural/horror since that's my genre jam. Except I've also become a bit of a TVD stalker—-the cast seems pretty close in real life now and have some entertaining tweets/photos/instagram cross-shares, I'm actually a little concerned for myself!

Your parents sound like really awesome people with big hearts and good tastes in pajamas.

I had watched parts of season one of Lost and had remembered him then. I got into watching The Vampire Diaries right before it started its third season. My girl friends and boyfriend mocked me saying, "Why do you watch that stuff?" I answered that besides the ridic storytelling and beautiful people, it was one

I don't understand the physics behind cat anatomy. When cats stand on their back legs like the Thriller pose at 11:15, it looks weird, like something they shouldn't be able to do. Do not understand but find fascinating! ~signed: someone who's never owned a cat

I didn't think there would ever be a reason to get me to play COD. But I think I'm in your camp on this one.

I love/hate that the next season premieres on Valentine's Day. I'm tempted to get my boyfriend to watch all of Season 1 so I can say, "Let's spend Valentine's Day/night drinking and saying "OH SHIT!" on repeat while watching Season 2.

Was this at all how Resident Evil Outbreak started? I'll admit that by the time I got the first game (File 1), I don't think the online server was functioning any longer. And I only made it through the first level of getting out of the bar. But from what I played, I actually enjoyed the notion of getting to choose

Plus later episodes let the viewer stray from Eren a bit to get other characters' developments (at least enough) that might keep your interest. I hated Eren from the start. I wanted more for Mikasa. And I wanted to see more of Armin so I wouldn't view him as simply "the physically weaker but mentally strong one." And

So...does anyone else find the opening theme song a little creepy? Not the cheerful melody that plays at the beginning of this clip, but what starts at 0:09. I haven't watched this movie in a good several years, but I remember watching it when I was in grade school in the 90s and something about the music's key and