
YES. This will be used. Great post!

Hey, before Tarzan came along, Adam could be ID'ed as the prince with the longest hair (oh wow, is that his name?! Yikes, I've seen this movie 50+ times and I never even realized I didn't know what his name was. Then again, I find 95% of the princes boring creatures who are just a means to an end of heteronormatized

I have this same qualm. But then I have to remember that Disney is all about marketability; and if you're going to sell a bajillion Rapunzel-related toys, I'm guessing their assumption is kids will more easily/readily gravitate towards long haired Rapunzel cuz then you can do her hair all sorts of pretty/excessive

I wasn't feeling it until 1:28 - 1:58 came in and then I involuntarily started bopping my head along.

I stopped playing for a while during the fall because I got tired of the negativity. Yes, I can ignore them—but honestly, there are other games out there I can spend my time playing either by myself, with friends, or with strangers that I'd have a more enjoyable experience doing than sucking it up with LOL toxicity.


It's really mindboggling. I went out to happy hour tonight with a group of coworkers and someone mentioned the VS Fashion Show coming on, and that got me on a rant. One of my coworkers didn't know about the "sexy Native American outfit" and I had to explain it to him. Someone I consider a well-educated, liberal,

It also works with Glenn because it has been established that Glenn isn't one for keeping secrets or information to himself. He normally blurts it out. He blabbed to Dale about Lori's pregnancy and that there were walkers in Hershel's barn EVEN THOUGH Lori had told him not to tell anyone. He's an honest guy. I

I literally had a "What, Shane's Wolverine?? What the Hell, Rick?" when he came on the screen. So I was too busy laughing to fully grasp that Rick is seeing/killing hallucinations of Shane and how that can't be good. At all.

I'm sure his time is coming, too. His prison peer is dead, meaning is presence is now a little more pronounced. And he tries so hard to be nice and sorta helpful, opening gates. His time's coming, don't you worry.

The live singing is exactly why I actually want to see this movie. I've never really had a big desire to see the musical or read the original for a few reasons. But the choir kid/performing arts girl in me appreciates the film's route. I saw a brief "behind-the-scenes" for Les Mis when I took my parents to see Skyfall

I actually don't have a problem w the music, but I also grew up w Pokemon Red and Blue as my first Pkmn games. So it's nostalgic for me. However, the designer should change the music when the battle begins—that's my current qualm.

It's definitely annoying. No, I'm not going to smile on command for you. Why do you expect me to? I don't tell you what to do. Then again, what would happen if we turned the tables and started telling guys, "What's wrong with your f-ing face? Smile!" maybe they'd understand how rude we find their actions, even when


I'm wondering whose hands those are gripping his biceps. I know they're supposed to be the soldiers on either end of him. There's something about the juxtaposition of the hand on his left arm to the soldier's actual arm angle that doesn't look right (I can deal with the other angle's juxtaposition a bit better).

I need to rant: I'd love a scene in which Damon looks both Stefan and Elena in the eyes (together or separately) and tells them to f**k off. I really need this to happen at this point in the series because I am so tired of being so tired for him. For me, it boils down to the scene between Damon and Elena where he

One wonders what would happen if the Scooby Gang went to the deceased Pastor & Co.'s graves, salted the bones, and burned them. Honestly, they could very well cease and desist everything quickly.

Agreed on all accounts. We can't ignore the fact that Elena was attracted to Damon prior to becoming a vampire—Hell, she did kiss him voluntarily in Denver. And she's indicated her interest in spite of also feeling guilty about, in her eyes, being an emotional cheater. But no. Any interest she's had in Damon is

I am stealing this last sentence and using it immediately. Thank you for the inspiration!

To help you celebrate the Christmas season with zombs, perhaps you should go caroling around the parts of town you recognize from the show: