
I play LOL sparingly, and only with my significant other and a specific group of friends. There are so many flamers and griefers in the community (or, at least, I feel like I come across them pretty frequently, whether they're on my team or the opposition and whether they're attacking me or someone else) that I get

Nina Dobrev is involved? Hmm, I may have to go watch to support my TVD girl.

They both freak me out in all their "I'm going to keep coming for you until you die and you can't do anything about it" persistence. However, I think the Grudge ghost woman is worse because she'll come at you from anywhere. You could be sitting on your toilet, look down, see long black hair sprouting from around your

SNORT. One of my favorite skits from him.

Can I just stress how really, really, really obnoxious I found all the slow-mo scenes to be? I'll let the Tokyo fighting scene slide because I actually enjoyed that one—it was simply fighting old school zombies (except, like Charlie, I hate the "let me toss my ammo clip into the air where it'll hover for an hour

Costume wear is one of those subjects in the fiction world—especially visual media like comics, video games, and movies/TV shows—where women get the fetishized, sexualized end of a phallic-shaped stick. I have to catch myself whenever I'm caught off guard and go "what the hell? how is that logical footwear at all?"

He makes some decent points. I never played the first RE game, and it's been a while since I've seen playthroughs of it, so I'd completely forgotten how bad the voice acting was. So much uncomfortable laughing just happened while watching.

"Leeloo Dallas multipass" never gets old.

The only thing I'll disagree with you on is Ada's outfit, which is because I wasn't a fan of it in the game and I think it looks even more ridiculous when translated into a real outfit that a person is supposedly wearing while running, doing crazy acrobatics, etc. At least give her some boots! When Alice was loading

Totally on board with the second season issue—it was boring with the pacing being so unbelievably slow. The search for Sophia, the lingering on the farm, the run-on conversations about the same issues over and over... It doesn't take a huge budget to establish character growth and development. You don't need

Am I the only one who doesn't like Zombieland? Because I typically feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like it. I like the "rules" angle of the movie. I do find the "breaking into celebrities' houses" idea amusing. And I like Woody's character, which I found to be the most entertaining, personable, and connectable

Dead Girl is one of the more recent horror movies I like because it made me pause, think about the lines of sexuality. I don't like some of the turns the plot takes, so I don't think it's perfect by any means. But I recognize how strongly I responded to the psychosexual stuff at play, and how disturbing and disgusted

Oh...My Zombie God...That is absolutely adorable and I'm totally using this on our hallway calendar at my place of employment. Had never thought about The Scarecrow like that before. Very much likey.

I really enjoyed Fido and suggest it whenever I come across zombie movie fans or people who like parodies of the 50s/60s era.

I think that opening is one of the best opening scenes to come along in a horror movie. The escalating tension is awesome —goes from slow movements with the cast eating food to nonstop speed with everyone running to escape/feed. The music ramp up is great. The way you go from the typical scary darkness of the house to

I like both Dawns. I understand the themes both movies attempt to show. But I'm with you with regards to liking the newer one more. It's a solid horror movie. It's a solid action movie. If I flip to it on TV (aka SyFy on a horror marathon weekend), I will keep it on the screen every. Single. Time. I never get tired

You have me with the emphasis on the gun store.

I figured this out in college after I'd had one too many "what happened?" moments from friends. I was getting my BA in English lit and acquiring random paper cuts on a regular basis, and the "nude" band-aids totally made my hands look worse than they really were. Once I recognized this, I got pretty annoyed for a good

Why not see both? It probably won't put a hurt on your wallet, unless there are other movies coming out this year that you plan on seeing. My list is extremely short (Skyfall, The Hobbit), so I didn't mind seeing TDKR and Avengers multiple times.

I love deleted scenes. And gag reels. And director commentary. I am going to put a hurt on The Avengers DVD.