I was just thinking, "Wow, her braids look so good!"
I was just thinking, "Wow, her braids look so good!"
If this is not the case, then you might as well do some fan fiction. Because I'm sure someone will enjoy reading this!
LOL. Watched that with the headphones on and I yelped when you shouted and it freaked out my roommate. Thanks for the entertaining vid! I don't know if I could play this—sometimes, it's the simplest things that are the scariest.
It makes me wonder how far back we can track the accepted norm that "teenagers are often assholes." Perhaps it wouldn't be relevant during the early 20th century in terms of the time when teens didn't really have "childhoods" in the same manner that we define them now as the ability to forgo working/a job/serious…
But the Beliebers already send Selena Gomez death tweets. For just dating their beloved idol Bieber. (This happened, at least, when they first started dating.)
I wouldn't say Elizabethtown's worthless, but I think I would've found it more enjoyable with a different cast. I wasn't feeling Bloom as the lead, nor Dunst for his lady.
I tend to get mad watching romantic comedies because of the types of tropes/themes that float in them, so the dark moments in this film actually sound refreshing to me. Too bad it sounds like you have to wade through some stuff before you get to those interesting moments. And Redbox is the extent of my waiting.
What types of conclusions did yall come to in your class?
I've bookmarked the site to read later once I down more wine. I'm excited besides the notion that I'll probably feel angry with society (yet again) after I read it.
I'm replying because I agree with you and don't have anything further to add to your comment besides you took my words.
Can't unhear! Also, I'm suddenly craving watermelon, those sassy skirt-wearin broads.
That was so smoothly done, I would've done a double take, too, if I was that girl. And it was funnier when she kept singing along, though clearly confused and concerned.
*flails hands* Somebody do this, somebody do this! Though there'd have to probably be a few meetups since, I'm sure, pro/con readers are all over the country. East Coast here!
You know, despite my initial reaction of, "Oh no you did NOT just shoot Jessica in the head!!" it was a cool moment. I could understand Jason's position, given his ongoing issues with vampire behaviors now merged with knowing his parents were killed by a vampire, and his sudden awareness that as sweet and sexy as Jess…
Personally, I thought it looked nice. Clean lines. ...What the hell, did I just post this?
And it's such a one trick pony at this point. The boys are on the run. Insert same tired flashback. Insert scene of Terry being sad and feeling guilty or tripping balls and getting suicidal. Insert smoke demon man. Insert anger. Insert me fast forwarding.
How the Hell did I forget about the ifrit in FF?? Damn, it's been longer than I realized since I've played the game. I'm going to have to implement FF jokes into the rest of the TB viewing season with my TB-viewing-buddy. Thanks!
Sadly, I didn't miss the kid. And I definitely had a "ugh, really?" moment. Their blood trippin went from kind of entertaining while in the crowd with their obvious hallucinating to ick-worthy when they started taunting the taxi driver to "aww come on!! it's a flippin wedding reception!" when they ate the wedding…
We got one moment of Newlin-on-Jason shipping. I'm disappointed that's all we got. That was pretty entertaining in its creepy way. And Newlin-Jessica vamp fighting/bantering over Jason. Basically, I think what I'm actually getting at is, we need more Newlin to fun-up Bon Temps instead of all the hatin that's been…
Were-shark frenzy!!!