
What the Hell is a Hufflepuff?

Who cares indeed. Yowza.

*suspicious glare* Are you secretly one of the writers of the show who's rebelling against the Writers Authority under an i09 alias? Hmmmmm...? Because that was suspiciously right on.

Which plot? There are so many of them... So...many...

That would make its own sort of weird sense in the True Blood world.

THANK YOU. I thought this "Con" was unfair considering this entire episode was a nod to the issue of "(Over)Protecting Sookie. It's not like Tara's the only one who's said anything. Lala called her the "angel of death" because trouble/death befalls people who come to her aid—and he has a right to be concerned

C. You won't get the nudity/sexy times since it's a CW show (though characters do have sex, and there can be some hot sexual tension moments). The TVD storytelling gets insane in terms of stepping up the chaos and drama pretty consistently each season; and it does so in a way that makes sense 95% of the time (the

At least Tara is what Tara is. Granted, that's usually an anger bomb waiting to go off, but you know. Sookie is all sugary-sweetness with the occasional attempt at being sassy, but she's a "I always get myself into trouble and will unintentional bring down people around me/who try to help me" bomb. And I think I'd

I'm right there with you. I'm an absolute book nerd. Sure, I own an e-reader (Christmas gift from s/o), but I still buy tangible books, too. I always have a book with me so I have something to do anywhere I go, especially if I need to conserve my cell battery. So I was perfectly fine for parts of this weekend when I

Then your mom is super awesome.

I'm glad I read further down the comment thread to find this discussion because I was getting so frustrated by so many nay-sayers wanting to spout "IT'S FICTION! IT'S ENTERTAINMENT! WHY CRITICALLY ANALYZE..." and I wanted to bang my head on my desk because it reminds me of all the lovely theory I've read over the

Thanks for writing this. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I have read the book. And, comparatively, it sounds like the film version definitely plays up slavery's significance to Abe's motivations. I wouldn't say that Abe doesn't care in the books about the philosophical immorality of slavery—he has memories/dreams of

I like Harry Potter. I like wine. I approve of this.

Ditto. I really really love the design style, which is done well. And everyone's so kawaii!!

Maybe you can still work with it? Katniss from The Hunger Games is all about the bow and arrow, so it's a trend you could maybe milk right now?

You know what? I think she did. Or, at least, she sold her soul to a demon. If that's the case, then shouldn't her 10 years have already been up? Shouldn't the hell hounds have gotten her by now?

Maybe I'll add Anna Karenina to my reading list this summer. I've had a copy of the book for a while but have never gotten around to it. And if people start talking about this movie in advance (well, at least some of my friends will since they're fellow book nerds), I'll want to be able to add to the convo. But I

I made myself read through the series. And you know what? I don't know if it's because horror movies are my favorite or because narratives like Lolita set off my "oh...gawd...I don't wanna finish this," but I found the Jacob-Ren. (because I don't feel like trying to spell her name right, it's stupid) relationship SO

Agreed. I also read a brief review this morning that if you're bitten by a vampire, you might not necessarily turn into a vampire if you have a pure heart. That's some campy cheesy bullshit. []

I'd love to visit Australia except for, as you've mentioned, the fact that everything there wants to kill you. And it's not even that because there are things in America that can totally kill you, likewise everywhere else in the world. It's that there are so many things in Australia that can kill you that are so