Gregory Mucci

Yeah, definitely more grim than its original but the color palette and practical effects were top notch.

Frame for frame it may be, but that doesn't mean it carries the same aesthetic appeal and atmospheric tone.
A corpse and a cadaver are the same body, but one is a lot more disturbing in its presentation than the other.

I don't think that's necessary; Pulse's remake wasn't included. I'll agree the ending was well done, but in a remake that attempted too hard to mirror the original, it's only accurate portrayal of recreated terror was in those final moments. The rest sagged under too much frenetic camera work and colorless dread.

I can get behind this list, though 28 Weeks Later, while good is not at all superior.
I enjoy seeing a list with both Audition and Pulse on there.
Honorable mentions I would say would be
Eden Lake, You're Next, Starry Eyes, Rec, The Mist, and Evil Dead remake