I only have my work accounts and my personal ones that I just keep in separate Chrome profiles, so this isn't really needed. Good idea though if you need to swap between multiple personal accounts.
I only have my work accounts and my personal ones that I just keep in separate Chrome profiles, so this isn't really needed. Good idea though if you need to swap between multiple personal accounts.
You're right, it most certainly won't look like that, but Nissan took a big gamble on the Leaf when no one else was doing EV's, maybe they will keep some of that cutting edge spirit alive and keep the neat concept design.
Paper flavor?! Oh come on, ya'll are just being pretentious now. I came to Jesus on the Areopress, grinding your own beans, and using the right water temp. I draw the line on pre-rinsing filters.
Paper flavor?! Oh come on, ya'll are just being pretentious now. I came to Jesus on the Areopress, grinding your own…
Why? I've used dry filters and damp filters in my areopress (someone used it before me so the parts were still wet) lots of times and the coffee tastes the same.
Why? I've used dry filters and damp filters in my areopress (someone used it before me so the parts were still wet)…
Yeah, but that is an evil BLADE GRINDER which no self-respecting coffee drinker would ever use (I personally can't tell the difference).
Yeah, but that is an evil BLADE GRINDER which no self-respecting coffee drinker would ever use (I personally can't…
That guy with the Aeropress wets his filter? I've used that thing dozens of times with a dry filter without a problem. What the hell is he talking about?
That guy with the Aeropress wets his filter? I've used that thing dozens of times with a dry filter without a…
I switched to Spotify. It has everything I want and I don't have to store anything locally. I remember spending a ton on RAID storage just because I was afraid to lose my iTunes collection. Come to find it was all on Spotify.
WAIT! Crisis semi-averted:
I can't take my game to my friends house and play it with them without re-buying the game? How fucked up is that!? Were they really losing that much money by people loaning games to their friends? I smell money grab.
If you need this explained to you, then you got problems.
I wonder if there is difference between Apple Stores that are a part of Malls or in smaller towns, and the big flagship stores in major cities. I would think the store in Manhattan would be under more of a watchful eye. Could be wrong though.
Couldn't it just emulate a keyboard? Analog sticks probably wouldn't work though. Anyway, I was just curious.
You straight people search for the freakiest porn. "titfuck"?! Ugh, stop rubbing your sex in our faces! /sarcasm
Anything similar for IOS folks? iCade Mobile doesn't count because it's a POS.
San Francisco is amazeballs, at least if you can afford to live there. It's better than New York. Although I admit it was better when public nudity was legal.
The only thing attracting me to this thing is New Super Mario Bros. But 300 bucks for something that does what my xbox already does is hard to justify for one game. Maybe when it hits 200.
Eff this noise. I've had fried turkey, It ain't worth the danger. Give me plain ol' roast turkey that has been brined and I'm happy.
This pisses me off. They are CLEARLY LABLED AS NOT A CHILDS TOY. They are adult toys (only not the sexy kind). If your not old enough to vote you shouldn't be touching them. Period. There was a rash of kids toy magnets (I think it was a dart board) getting ingested and led to a ban 10 or 15 years ago, which was…
Looks like a rip off of various Mass Effect armors, N7 and otherwise.
You should be more worried about contracting HIV than the vaccine. You obviously are not a gay man or you would already be lining up to get vaccinated. It sucks living in constant fear of this damn disease. Why straight people think they won't get it and it's ok to go condom free is beyond me.