Windwaker makes me feel free. A lot of open world games do, actually, but there’s something great about that game.
Windwaker makes me feel free. A lot of open world games do, actually, but there’s something great about that game.
So sorry about your dad.
Sorry for your loss, and I agree with your comment, which is pretty much how I felt about Clinton, although she would now be considered the messiah as compared to dump.
Pretty much. Even if Biden were much more terrible than he is (and I’m not saying he is or isn’t - just not getting into it, period), he’d still be the lesser of two evils. And when that difference means potentially hundreds of thousands of lives, there is no moral high ground to not supporting him. My father died a…
My son goes to public school, so it’s probably not an issue, but I would have never thought to even read about rules for hair. I’ve sent my son with blue hair, multi color hair, and he had his school picture taken with a mohawk (which has been his everyday hair for about a year now). I don’t understand how the color…
I’m an old white Boomer and the way those jerks treated Marion would have coming over the table at them. I’m so glad she got to live a dream.
I am so glad this girl was supported in what must have been a magical experience for her. Living between an elementary and a middle school, I see all kinds of ‘individual expressions’ that I would never be presumptuous enough to attribute them to bad parenting. I also see enough ill mannered, bad ass white kids to…
Imagine being so jealous of people with hair that you institute bullshit rules like this. *Rubs scalp nervously* just... Imagine.
Step one: Don’t.
So the solution is to ban all negative depictions of historically marginalized groups? No gay black villains? Are we talking about marginalized groups across all regions and cultures? The Chinese were marginalized during Japanese occupation in WW2 so does that mean no Chinese villains? Your example of a black villain…
Well, as a person who suffers from depression, bipolar, and anxiety, I don’t feel attacked. I like it, actually. It’s his best skin, maybe tied with the Talon epic skin. I don’t really see a reason to be upset. He’s a villain. They’re not saying all mentally ill people are like him. They have a host of villains who…