Red Xorn

100% agree. Daly's comedic acting when he forced himself to ask his wife for a divorce is emmy worthy.

Rick and Morty is more than just a sci-fi comedy. it is an examination of family relationships and the insecurities that they cause.
I like Veep, but would put Rick and Morty ahead of it. Veep is not far behind though.

my other favorite scene from this season of GOT was when Oberyn comes into Tyrion's cell and says he will be his champion. didn't exactly work out in the end, but the scene in the cell choked me up.

i loved the show, but to be honest, the last episode just confused the fuck out of me.

Review with Forest McNeil "Perhaps, I already understood from the darkest corner of my soul that these pancakes couldn't kill me because I was already dead."

yes I agree with the Sally/Don subplot. the scene in the diner was one of the best unspoken acting moments ever. you can see in Don's eyes that he was realizing Sally was becoming like him.

i watched the fight between Brienne and the Hound probably 5 times in a row, just watched the fight and backtracked and watched it again over and over, right at the point when you see the realization on Brienne's face that it is Arya.

I watched the first season of Utopia, was blown away and wierded out and utterly confused. 2nd season started i think, havent seen any episodes.

my top list of the year, no particular order, cant choose if some are better then others.
True Detective
The Americans
Rick and Morty
Review with Forest McNeil
Mad Men

i agree, the last episode of True Detective was kind of "wtf?"

i agree. these were big omissions. my order would be True Dective and The Americans tie actually, i cant decide between the two, would be like killing a child, (no true dective pun intended). then Louie and then Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Girls, could care less, and I tried watching it.

yes i agree. i love True Detective, it was awesome. but Fargo was the best thing i have seen on TV in a long time. but True Detective is pretty damn close.

i have heard Hannibal is good, but i havent watched it yet myself.

Deadwood without a doubt. a 2nd show would be tougher pick to limit to one more show. probably Sopranos, I also really liked Enlightened. Then The Wire. the rest didn't really much interest me. But, you havent lived until you have watched Deadwood.