
Lolwat @Abe.

Swallowing blood, as often happens during nose-bleeding, especially if it’s happening in your sleep, when we aren’t mindful of trying to avoid ingesting it, will result in scarytimes when hitting the can.

I’m not arguing about this with a cockwad. If you’re the kind of trash who’s comfortable with the working poor getting hosed, you should have been aborted.

Ha, ha, no. Down South, we have the tipped-minimum wage, which is a soul-sucking $2.15, because fuck working class women of all races. If someone tries to bring fine-dining into the conversation, STAB THEM. It makes up so little of the market down here as to be a fucking rounding error.

We used to throw a box of doughnuts at them, turn on Noggin and lock our door, we had 20 minutes and that was it!😂

It’s very, very mid-aughts!

It’s because Cosmo has always editorially tacked left, and actual political empowerment of women, championing equal pay and access to reproductive healthcare, so all the ta-tas on the cover are SIN ta-tas.

Do you really know so little about history that the idea that our great-great grandparents would want to immigrate from Scandinavian countries is baffling to you? Especially people of Finnish extraction?!

Yeah, but the author’s parents sound like they’re observant, if not the author herself, hence the horse-back entrance of the groom.

Don’t they get the cats fixed? Our local groups have made a major dent in the local feral population that way.

Neiman Marcus logo.

There’s no way there’s enough boomer grandmas buying “back massagers” to keep Spencer’s afloat, not after the advent of the interwebs, yet here we are!

This is absolutely not that kind of film or book.

What about academics, almost all of whom need to have an online blogging presence as part of their duties? Including professors and adjuncts in journalism schools? Fuck out of here with that bull.

Wait, they sell that in dorm size?!

Yes! Witches from ‘The Witches’ will get you if your feet are over the edges!

Unfortunately, that $900,000 won’t begin to cover the yearly medical costs of just one profoundly disabled child, who are normally un-insurable.


To any human?!

That’s my spouse’s reasoning, I’ve never requested it, but we live in one of the muggy hells and he doesn’t like swampy crotch.