
You’re only saying that because Nassar’s victims are female.

He literally wants to mandate aversion therapy on gay children. Fuck you.

Omg, get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.

I was going to say, lotta legacy admits in that generation.

And Jo Wood got stabbed.

Did you read the profile of Ronan Farrow in the Hollywood Reporter? The fact that NBC shot down his ideas for investigating racism and pedophilia in the business is extremely concerning.

She was groomed, it’s not denying her agency, it’s pointing out the wild imbalance in power, and that he’s the legal parent of her siblings.

Get the fuck out of here with that minimizing bullshit. LEGALLY he was their father, why else would there have been a vicious custody battle if he wasn’t the legal equivalent of their father and her husband?!

“For all intents and purposes, he was a stepfather to her. She grew up with him as a male parental figure.”

Are you sure you’re thinking of him, and not the other asshole from Boondock Saints?

No, most states don’t have Romeo and Juliet statutes.

And maintaining a reputation that allows for further employment. There’s a lot of intangibles being blown off on purpose.

Thank you! I’m snowed in, now I can continue to ignore my driveway!

If you’re still sending it out, I’d love to take you up on your offer!

There’s no need to speculate on a reason, she’s said repeatedly that her work in Congress has a greater impact on her issues surrounding consumer protections than she’d be able to implement as president, and the career of a senator is much longer, giving her decades instead of eight years.

I understand this was months ago, but in a sea of hot takes, this was definitely the most disturbing. Let these men off because it’s just another pogram against Jews?! Christ on a bike.

That’s some Trumps-of-the ‘80's-in-New York-level shit!

Are there legal mechanisms that can prevent him from traveling there again? That would be a very entertaining way for him to learn how much Japan actually “loves” him. His doing everyone the favor of documenting his behavior could see him prevented from traveling to other countries, like Singapore.

Omg, defending this walking abortion is the hill you want to die on?

Your boner’s been noted.