
I make $200k/yr and don’t live some extraordinary lavish life. Moved about 30 miles south of SF and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Granted, the SF Bay Area, no matter where, is pricey, but SF proper is simply ridiculous. Great place to visit, but NEVER move there. Plus, it is so damn filthy. Needles and piss

Born and raised in SF and it is an absolute cesspool run by lunatic libs that have destroyed what was once the most beautiful city on the world. If you love the smell of piss on every corner, degenerate psychopaths sitting next to you on MUNI, skinny jeans and faux outrage, this is your place. R.I.P. SF.

“So you want to pay me like Mike Gallego? I’ll play like Mike Gallego!”

Well, there ya go again with all those facts and stuff. Whatever!