at least Rip explained why that was a huge no-no
at least Rip explained why that was a huge no-no
why, uh, didnt the legends get back in their time ship once they knew where the blood was and simply travel back to pre WWI times to obtain it?
I hope they use the lesson of love to reset Flash from its dark tone
Shoulda been Ol-Vir.
Her face is having a bit of trouble moving, but then Sorbo was hardly emoting well either
They should hire me as a consultant for this show. If you were going to do the whole Mon-El parents thing, they really should have made Kevin Sorbo's character King Ol-Vir instead of stealing Mon-El's own real name Lar Gand. That way he could clearly be evil (though his parents hardly seem evil so far, aside from…
on netflix?
Cara Gee's accent is amazing. Great character
yeah that terrible rip off of Training Day. She'll be back with us soon, I suspect
100%. They'd have done better to use her as a hostage- probably safer for her that way
Christ that's it exactly
We FINALLY get Jay back only to lose him again!? Christ. Did anyone else notice that Jay was the hero who saved Wally and not Barry? I wonder what moment Jay is reliving- his defeat by Zolomon? Some other far worse adventure/loss during his time? We may never know because the show has NO IDEA how to use Jay.…
perhaps its all relative. Its certainly great compared with the tripe they've been serving over the last 2 seasons.
This season of Arrow has been ROCK solid.
THAT has never been shown. Theres plenty of baddies on E2 but as far as we were ever shown, only one hero- "Jay Garrick". He makes an oblique reference to one of his "best friends" who lives in Atlantis, but beyond that we've never even heard the name of another hero…alive anyway (RIP "The Hood")
sure that makes the most sense but he speaks of his time with TF as experience. Oh well its a minor quibble- he's a FAR better for than Savitar. Heck I kind of wish he'd go pluck a time remnant of Hunter Zolomon out of the timestream and go on a rampage together
How can time remnant Eobard remember his time with Team Flash? Wellsobard couldnt muster the speed to time travel. This Thawne is a remnant of a pre-TF Thawne. Sure it was a great moment but it makes no sense, unless I missed something?
I love this show- I hope we get more scenes of daily life in the USSR.
Guys can we not be so down on Sorbo? Are we all so soon forgetting that he possessed a strength that the world had never seen? A strength that was surpassed only by the power of his heart. He journeyed the Earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother Hera, the all powerful queen of the gods. Don't forget…
IIRC the last time you could combine idols was in Tai's season and the effect was to nullify votes AFTER the count- potent but never used as he betrayed his alliance members