Fan Theory VEEP ends with Jonah Ryan becoming President
Fan Theory VEEP ends with Jonah Ryan becoming President
End song is - DJ Shadow - Systematic Feat. Nas
I thought he was alright in it tbh, just the script etc was dreadful
I just got done catching up with Veep, are we meant to root for Selina? She is fairly awful
You can look past the only Olivers League armor stops bullets if you pretend he had a better class of armor as the official number 2, but yeah it was silly
Hannibal all proud of himself that he was able to sneak his food onto the plane
It had 5 seasons and has been near cancellation its whole run, and has gone hugely downhill for two seasons I can't be too sad.
What! We can follow shows again!?
They are talking in new weeks trailer so maybe they'll say it was consensual, I am so annoyed it happened.
That change is the most annoyed I have ever been at a show, and that includes Lumberjack Dexter
At some point you'd think people would learn not to mess with Boyd
I wonder what exactly Beverly saw? Hannibal didn't keep any bodies
and ate what he did keep right?. Who's unaccounted for, Abigail (who we think was that Veal) and Mirriam, yeah, anyone else?