Truthier things have never been truthed...
Yep, that sounds like a B movie I would pay $10 bucks to see.
I can agree with that. Though as far as movie cars go, this one would be difficult to top. I defy anyone to come up with a winged Chrysler as epic as this and still have the movie be half way decent.
Some people just do not understand...
That would be what you would call, "dying with dignity", simply because the entire interior itself is a work of art. Not for this list.
Man, everyone else gets all the cool stuff...does that even have an airbag in it? If not, I hardly see the point...
I was with you until you started hating on Gearz. Stacy David is a national treasure...
I am not sure you realize this, but the wheel skirts are completely removable. If you like the car but hate the wheels skirts that much, take them off. However, when you lose a drag race with a Prius because of your increased drag coefficient you will have no one to blame but yourself.
He drove like a reckless dickbasket alright, he did not think he was hurting anyone or did not care if he did. Either way, he seemed a decent driver at least. Dasvidaniya Tevzadze, your asshatery was worth a marvel or two, but that is about it. In the end, you went out the way no proper hoon would ever want to, in the…
I will see what I can do, on one condition. I want the picture in wallpaper size...