
Progressives didn’t really run on defunding the police either.  That wasn’t a centerpiece of their campaign.  Anyway, maybe centrists shouldn’t “spend untold amounts of time and resources trying to defend against” bad faith GOP attacks!  That’s a waste of resources that just makes the race about what the GOP wants it

This doesn’t make the point you think you’re making, because it suggests that “free healthcare and free college” would actually be more popular and are things more Democrats should run on.

Now playing

speaking of the songI put a spell on you,” it was only recently that i was enlightened to the original, which puts an entirely different spin on things. i only knew the nina simone version, and never realized it was a cover. all of which lead to learning about the singer and his story, who i had never heard of, and

“You can be of 100% Polish, Swedish, Russian, Nigerian or Chinese ancestry and also be 100% Mexican.”

Because Acedemia is the only place besides politics where saying you were raised by 3 Hopi polyamourous lesbian goat herders or whatever will get you something other than a boss telling you "who gives a shit- get back to work"

Because academia is where it’s enough of a benefit to be worthwhile, while frequently having not quite enough scrutiny to really make that charade fall apart the way it would in, say, politics.  Outside of a few places there’s not enough reason to do that sort of thing full-time - accountants or plumbers don’t get a

Great, thanks Drew Barrymore, for helping to reinforce everyone’s incorrect assumption that SSRIs “numb” you and actually make you unaware of reality. If she actually took Lexapro, there’s no way she’d describe it that way. And now there’s even more people I’m gonna have to convince that just because I’m on an SSRI

My wife is a civilian worker for the fire department. There’s a horrifying saying within the department: firefighters cheat, cops beat.

17 law enforcement agencies

Now, just what is he a baron of? Where is his barony located? Who are his subjects, and do they know they’re his subjects? When Boris Johnson visits, is this baron able to smell his blood?

My beautiful Barron.

Does Trump think he’s Baron Harkonnen?

If Trump has said more than 500 words to Barron in his entire life, I’d be shocked. 

Looks like he can be cast to play “Eastern European Henchman #3" in some late 2020's Bond movie.

He seems to have the Trump chin though.

My favorite thing is when the people actively destroying our society start whining about all the "negative energy" out there. People demanding the right not to be strangled by cops or infected by ignorant morons really bring down the room, you know? 

For me it was the change in tone in her voice as soon as she got the cops on the line so it was time for her performative mortal fear to ensure a speedy, violent response from police. Just before that, she was lunging at the guy she was suddenly acting so scared with. If he hadn’t video taped it, he would absolutely

Ever been to traffic school? I’m guessing that’s about how effective it is. And I’m talking about the traffic school where you just pay and grab a certificate.

Bella Hadid is dating someone who looks like he's a featured extra playing a mid level Irish mob henchman in a Scorsese movie.

My sweet, late husband died from it at age 42. Somehow he was spared the worst, it seems....he was himself until the end, and went quickly once the chemo stopped working after a year and 8 or so months. We took a vacation three weeks before he died (albeit a somewhat challenging one due to his paralysis and speech

No. Fuck this opinion. This is the one and only fashion hill I will die on.

No. Fuck this opinion. This is the one and only fashion hill I will die on.