
With regard to the burning type pain you mention.. You may be suffering from adhesions. I’ve had two c-sections and have struggled with pain in my lower abdomen(in and around my surgical scar), for years now, due to the adhesions.

Keep at your doctor about your symptoms. Doctors tend to blow off women’s ishs, so you

You are absolutely right. “People of Color” only refers to one color. Especially here on Jez.

Angus Scrimm 4 evah!

I’m more put off by the 41 year age difference between these two. Ick.

Tapatio doritos forever.

Let me start by saying, I love all animals.. dogs AND cats.. having had many of both critter sets as pets throughout my long and storied life.. however, just because cats don’t brown nose every human within barking distance, doesn’t mean they aren’t loyal.. they aren’t too into strangers, or unproven humans.. but they


I went the emergency C section route x 2. Not to sound braggy, but I can still crack walnuts with my vajuu. Plus, I have a cool scar on my lower abdomen. Dudes dig scars, right??

Having said, I support any woman’s right to have any procedure she wants to have. You go, girl! xxx

All I see, when I look at this pic of Trump, is.. Jabba the Hutt. With really bad hair.

Riiiight? I can’t believe anyone on Jez doesn’t get that Abbi is JOKING.


Now playing

Take your seats, JLo AND Carey. It’s Di Ross 4evah!

“My ass misses you.” Yep. I sent that.

Because peeeeenis. Duh.

Perhaps the quality of produce varies by store location? The TJ’s in Whittier, CA has consistently delish produce.

Oh, hubster is guilt free here. Twas the diabetes that stabbed her to death. Clearly.

Oh, hubster is guilt free here. Twas the diabetes that stabbed her to death. Clearly.

I will be culturally appropriating three carnitas tacos for dins tonight. Pardon.

Except, maybe.. Raymond Chandler.