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Lots of Dallas Cowboys also have tattoos commemorating a double homicide. Of course I am talking about Super Bowls XXVII and XXVIII.

His act is tired. Much like many of the left over Gawker commenters.

I bet Furillo would be taking a different tone were Jaleel White.  

I hope you’re right, but I don’t think you are.

Molitor “repeatedly instigated hostile conversations” with Mixon and his companions outside the cafe’s front door, his attorneys wrote in an answer to the lawsuit.

As a 150lb dude, nobody would blink twice if this guy knocked me the hell out after I hit him first. Despite his response still being “disproportionate” and despite him being “much bigger and stronger”.

This emotional feeling I have is equivalent to a tie.

Oh for Christ sake.

In everything you say, do and write - progressive America condemns middle Americans. You take every opportunity to shame them, blame them, and when available, regulate them out of jobs.

Why would they ever turn to you for help or answers? You mock them from a keyboard while squeezing into a booth

Yeah. Also fuck the 42% of women who voted for Trump. And fuck the 30% of Hispanics that voted for him. And fuck the 30% of Asians who voted for him. And fuck the 10% of Blacks that voted for him. And fuck the 45% of college graduates who voted for him. And fuck the 40% of people with postgraduate degrees who voted

maybe, maybe not. But that is certainly a place for them to spend. Encouraging spending on equipment or more advertising or whatever is directly associated with more people working and more people making higher wages. stupid.

This. If Dems were smart they’d trade a corporate tax cut for a rise in cap gains taxes. But Dems are not smart so I suspect they will take cues from guys like Hamilton and play class war.

I can only imagine that the oh-so thinly-veiled disdain liberals have for certain parts of middle America is in no way responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals.

it’s probably more productive to focus your anger at the rich manipulators rather than the poor, powerless people being manipulated

This sounds like one of Simmons’ takes in the HBO promo for his show

You’ll surely be attacked for this but you are correct. For this to be what people spend any time focusing on says a lot about our society.

F that, there needs to be a stigma for suicide. Unless terminally ill, you SHOULD feel like suicide is wrong. Normalizing it is idiotic.

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

I starred but you’re wrong here. The law isn’t arbitrary and the law isn’t pretending it didn’t happen. The law says people should be arrested and held if evidence exists that they committed a crime. Right now, because of how fucking stupid this country can be, this man was released because he shot another man in

Then you would probably sit on it

Bruh Drake is at the top of the game (I’ll concede he’s not the best lyricist, call me Channing Tatum) he doesn’t give a crap if a bunch of fans call him a bandwagoner.