
I think it would also depend on whether the cheating was exposed/admitted to, as well. If the cheating was never admitted to or found out, and led someone to realize he needed to fix or get out of a bad marriage, it seems like that might cuase less regret than if the cheating was part of what hurt the person being

@CubeRootOfPi: Jeff Galloway's plans are good if you are just looking to finish/don't have tons of time. Hal Higdon's are better if you have more time. Lots of cities have marathon groups now (check local running stores and if you want to find people to do at least the long runs with. Runner's World has

@nillawasteher2: AND, if someone is going to be touching my bare skin, are they wearing the same latex gloves that touched the last person? Yuck.

@L-dizzle: I travelled with a large number of people from work when they first instituted the "pulling people aside" thing after 9/11, and I was the only young woman in a group of mostly middle-age men. I was pulled aside everywhere we went, always by male agents, and had my bags searched (in public) multiple times.

As a fellow Capricorn, I say 'Hurray, Kate.' As a fellow Capricorn, I find it disturbing that my best weekend for romance is coming up, as my boyfriend will be away and I will be hanging out with my parents.

But if it were, say, a presidential election, we would just leave the broken system alone...

@lucyjae: Should I be worried that my (not gay, I believe) boyfriend is waa-aaay more excited about this than me? And I *am* excited. And it is not just to look at scantily clad women; he keeps talking about how awesome Cher is. Hmmm....

@pop culture reference: This is why I just about go crazy when I visit my parents for the holidays. I can overlook many things, but not my water glass constantly disappearing. I'm so glad it is NOT JUST ME.

@piranhas_are_a_tricky_species: Oh, I thought he remembered it and was covering for the young woman character and himself. But now you have made me wonder...

I picked up a "Best of Men's Health 2009" book from the remainder bin, and was blown away by how practical and no-nonsense the advice and articles were. (I'm a female athlete). The men's fitness magazines I've seen seem to have much more of a "Just do it" attitude to fitness and weight loss/gain, as opposed to the

@ElphabaSkywalker: There are things that suck about not having these milestones until later (been there), but I think there is an enormous amount of good about becoming yourself before having an intense relationship and/or sex. Having a good head on your shoulders and an idea of what you want in life is such a good

@REALTALK: I feel SO less alone in the world now. Thank you much for sharing.

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: Everyone has good is like the debate in my head, although more articulate and less isolating. I will probably go for the white lie of omission with mentioning where we first met-in-person, and hope that the online discussion can come at a less pressure-filled moment. I do hate

I am taking the guy I've been dating home for Thanksgiving; I just moved back near my parents after 17 years away, and he is far from home, so it is more a practical thing than a "time-to-meet-the-parents" thing. We met online (I signed up for Match more to meet new people in town than to try to find Mr. Right).

@envirodesigner: Some guy got arrested in Seattle for doing that a couple years ago.

Then why the hell didn't someone take him to see a dead soldier, or a dead Iraqi civilian? Maybe he would have learned a valuable lesson.

@hotpinklovesofa: I had a similar relationship (8 years, and not bicoastal, just North Carolina/DC) and finally ended it because it was apparent that the compromise over location was always going to be on my part. Everything else was good, but he just that my career and time were as important

@rhymeswithfeather: You can make yourself miserable or you can have an AMAZING weekend. I vote for the latter. He obviously thinks you are beautiful and supportive and smart and offer something that this woman didn't. You can talk about your insecurities with him if you think it will help, but it doesn't sound to

@ihaveberries: I don't know about the ethics of it, but I do think you should find a Dr./PA/NP that you feel super comfortable with discussing anything. They need all your information about partners etc. to make good medical decisions/suggestions for you, and you need to not feel uncomfortable telling them. Shop

@HeartJuniper: I think it depends...I went on a first date with a guy who talked the ENTIRE time, and I gave him a second chance (out of boredom) and it turns out he was just nervous the first time, and we dated for a while and are still friends. But another first date there were a number of things that I didn't like