red team gone

Some of us don’t work “normal” hours, and the best time for us to play is late at night.

Yeah, you're right. I was out yesterday and saw a bunch of people playing. I went on a pretty lengthy walk too, so I'm definitely getting exercise I wouldn't have before.

Too bad the battles are underwhelming, and that you can’t just battle people near you.

I just watched the clip in the link so far, but thanks! I hadn’t heard of this before.

Consoles are getting afterbirth+, just not the mod support most likely.

Came to post the same thing. What in the hell?

Being an xbox player, I am super stoked for the rocket league update! Hoops, rocket labs, cosmetics, new league rankings, physics + hit boxes update.... So much goodness.

Rocket league. Then I’ll go to work. Then more rocket league. Probably sleep a little. Then more rocket league. Repeat.

Yep. I xbox and play and own!

Holy fucksticks...

Please be like PM: the 1000 year door, please be like PM: the 1000 year door...

Good point, music in fez was excellent. The cube get sound itself was pretty rewarding to hear...

Yeah, I was just describing this to a friend and comparing it to fez (he hadn’t played fez... I know). I have so much love for fez, I wish that fish would be able to just do his thing and make another game.

Fuck. Yes.

The Real platinum God achievement from the binding of isaac: rebirth should be on this list.

Stick and ball? Are these peasant folk you speak of equipped to even understand such a game in our times?

Everything wrong with Batman vs Superman's marketing begins and ends with Ben Affleck as Batman.

Is there an English version? I really just want a new Zelda, but I'll settle for now....

I guess I'm just glad it's in Japanese. Blinders on! Bring on zelda wii u!

A preference is not an argument. Stop arguing with yourself, it's a waste of time.