red team gone

word, is your xbox still toast? if not, hit me up, not sure if youre on my friends list anymore...

whats your gamertag? im redteamgone. i havent played in over a year, but hopped on the other day to play a few, and may get back into playing here and there. im still ranked 15th or 17th or something in pro (after not playing a single game in well over a year). i was 3rd for a long time, after crook and chief (and

i would think this should be more of the focus of the article, no? obviously, the pipes are directly from smb, but the game itself is a clone of another game exactly, isn't it? i havent't played either one, so i can't say, myself.

i got a 9.2. there is a colorblind mode, too, if you need it.