I thought for a minute I was watching a variation of 28 Days Later...
I swear by using a calorie tracker, I have used one for a few years and have lost over 90 lbs and still am averaging about 1.5-2 lbs loss monthly.
I’m just so, so very tired of people poplitical opinions being placed front and center here. I currently subscribe to around 12 auto magazines and you know what I don’t see when I read them? Political opinions not related to the automotive culture. There are venues for that and it’s not here.
Matt, explain why this is on an automotive site? I am so sick of the political bullshit poisoning this space. Take your shit and get the fuck out unless you are gong to site about something related to the automotive spectrum. Go to the Slot or Jez, I’m sure they would love this there so you can feel appreciated.
Ummm, these people willingly elected Pelosi as leader again. Clearly they are not willing to learn anything and stick with the status quote of bitching with no solutions, name calling and an unending supply of self righteousness. No really sure why people even question thier behavior at this point.
Could they be sold in other countries who don’t have the same emissions standards such as China?
Can we all just call out Ryan for posting this without the facts behind it? So far, it’s all just hearsay. I just got off of a soapbox in another story about how these self proclaimed “journalists” post shit without doing fact checking outside of Google searching. Walter Cronkite was a journalist, these people are…
There is that word again that should NEVER be associated with anyone from these sites...”journalist”. That would involve doing actual research and fact checking outside of Google and writing clean, concise articles. This is at best a collection opinion based whatever someone rolls out of bed and thinks it would be…
Just throwing it out there that safety designs are built into the cars. So, while a Jeep may have been built with no doors this car was so stripping it removes the built in safety items like structural support in the doors. Go ahead and strip a vehicle and drive it on public roads, let me know how it works out.
I live in Florida and get a speeding ticket once every few years, it has never raised my rates. My wife actually got a reckless for not paying attention and speeding through a construction zone and still no increase. I asked the agent about it and rates are based on credit rating, where you live, age and other things…
No, what’s typical is the rhetoric you spew. I asked a direct question to the first part of your statement. But, rather than answer you divert...I could say you behave just like the DNC in diversionary tactics. Thanks for driving my point home! Sometimes it’s just too easy...
Who from the government has come forward and said the Russians hacked the “election”? The DNC got caught doing the same crap they always do and are now spinning up to deflect from it. Don’t get me wrong, both side of the fence are slimy but they need to own the fact they screwed up in a major way in order to get back…
If you believe anything our “government” tells us, you are the moron. Congrats on drinking the Kool-Aid...
Why the smoke screen to get away from the actual content of the emails that were released? Why is nobody screaming about that?
I just got back from a trip and not to say I’m biased but they should have worked her over with bills clubs before dragging her off the plane. What is it about Airports that turns people into selfish, inconsiderate pieces of shit? I dear to hid it gets worse every year!
Clickbait from a biased, bitter troll. Surprise, surprise, surprise...
Boy, I swear f’ing Gloria Allred can sniff out money to be made from any spot on the planet. What a greedy bitch...
Bazinga! On a side note, I’ve resigned myself that there is no safe space from fucktards bashing the incoming administration. It’s like they live at home with their parents on government health care....oh wait...
Ummm, so we are supposed to feel bad for people that make piss poor decisions and now some don’t want to take personal responsibility? Living within your means, living within your means...