
This needs to happen NOW, right f’ing now. It’s astounding how many fucktards I see texting while driving. It just proves that most of the population is self centered ASSHOLES who don’t give two shits about anyone else or thier safety.

You sir are exactly the problem this country is having, you judgemental piece of...never mind...take a deep breath...assholes like this just aren’t worth even though they are doing thier best to ruin everything. I actually find it very interesting watching people like this implode and show thier true colors. Chicken

You do realize that in the government scope, $3.5 billion is a pittance. I would be willing to bet we could find that money just by cutting waste in one government program.

There is a difference between having fact based discussions and the political bullshit that is spewed on here. Just roll this site into The Slot or Jezebel, that way you will feel at home.

As a shareholder myself, I disagree wth this statement for the most part. Companies work towards long term profits and the investors care about profit but they want the profit to continue. They are willing to balance less profit version long term returns.

Did anyone ever stop and think that maybe vehicle costs are almost in direct relation to union agreements and the constant barrage of regulations thrown at it?

I readily admitted to people I voted for Trump for two main reasons. He is not a career politician and he wasn’t Hillary. Say what you will but the government needs to run like a business and balance the books. As of 2009 there were over 22 million working in government roles...probably close to 25 million by now. Let

Maybe he doesn’t want yo deal with threats to himself or his family from these shitbags? Possibility?

Two days after an election and this is the type of shit that we have to put up with. Thanks for being yet another “sky is falling” douchebag. God, this is just sickening to see people like you try to scare people. Why can’t you wait until something actually gets close to changing? What an asshole...

Is there any information out there that shows how much unions spend on supporting themselves versus in the bank for the workers? I would think is there was, we would all be shocked at the waste. On a side note, over 22 million people work in government services, 22 million...just think hard about that number and where

This is too funny, she is the MORE despicable human being. What the FUCK did you expect? To see people act like this over an election is just comedy in its purest form. Just remember back to the prelims, of all the potential candidates, these two shitbags were picked. This is on all of us so stop being fucking crybaby

OH MY GOD, what a bunch of fucking buzzkills. It’s not like this happens frequently. Jesus Francis, lighten up!

I live in Florida, you can’t walk outside without tripping over a fucking LEACH of an attorney suing someone to line thier own pockets. You know what they call a thousand lawyers in the bottom of the ocean? A good start.

Just throw a Jeep SRT8 into the slot in place of Dodge, plus I believe the Durango is going to have some quick models coming out soon. Let the FCA haste fest commence! Jeep Wagoneer?

Exactly, going negative with thier bullshit and calling it journalism. I WISH they had somehow squeezed the full amount from Denton and ruined his life so he taste his own crap. It’s unfortunate people cannot remember how great Walter Cronkite was. Modern “journalism” if you can call it that is just opionated partisan

Leonardo is definitely much worse. At least Elon is bringing some tangible value whereas Leonardo flies private jets around pissing and moaning to anyone that will listen. You want to make a difference? Donate 100% of your f’ing money to the cause. Fuck him, what a hypocritical piece of shit.

Snakes are

I find this interesting that Uber, Lyft and others were created to compete against the cab industry which is obviously a fucked up mess and horrible to deal with. Rather than be happy there is an alternative and let them continue to improve as it’s still in its infancy, you chose to dig in your heels on the negative

Typical responses from people whom have HRC dick in thier mouths. I was contemplating on replying in a constructive and positive manner but I will follow your examples. I have yet to see anyone provide solid statistical data where she did ANYTHING to improve something. I fully expect yo be attacked versus

So, after reading through the comments...being drunk in public is acceptable behavior? I feel badly this happened but holy shit, we can’t anticipate everything when doing risk assessments. It’s like building cars and having to account for fucking dipshits blindly walking into traffic...oh wait...