
What is this /r/todayilearned?

I promised my parents I wouldn't kill myself about five years ago, so I'm boned

I think Browning is the weakest actor by quite a bit and I was really disappointed in the first half of this episode. Oh no, is AV club grading on a hard curve? As soon as Defamation came on, nope. This series has some great ten-second + laughs. And Sam really takes a back seat for most of the series, instead choosing

I definitely heard "put me on your very large dick" the first time

His son killed himself, so there's that.

I'm pretty sure I'm actually a disgusting piece of shit, but thanks.

I mean if you look up 'Mary Elizabeth Winstead nude' on bing (porn's search engine) you're gonna come across them.

Biggie weighed a ton his own, so agreed.


While I'm not encouraging anyone to look at stolen photographs, there's evidence that it's not a body double.

The priests were really in over their heads. Seriously though, Nantes was fucked up.

Fair enough. They were borderline a lot, but it was a character trait rather than her character. We're not talking never nude levels of brilliance but it still worked for me.

I don't think so, but it was from The Staircase. Admittedly, I forgot about it until the owl popped up again. But I do recall saying 'oh it's the owl' when it first came up.

It's from The Staircase, which this is a riff on.

I knew it was going to be that god damn owl. This was a shockingly good show. I was afraid Sherri Shepherd's maladies would get tiring (maybe getting tired from hearing about other people's conditions is another condition) but it didn't. Look forward to next season. jk, NBC burned this show faster than ABC did Better

There's something ironic about a guy who's sister put him on her show complaining about Meghan Trainor riding Amy Winehouse's coattails.

I guess you didn't notice the merkins. All the nuns but Brie get naked.

Nathan Fillion was totally doing a J Peterman impression.

Season 5 also had the misfortune of coming after the single greatest season of TV. Plus the finale is one the series best episodes.