
"I was eating pussy at 14. It was all about experimenting. I was banging everybody but I wasn’t going around telling nobody. I’d keep the shit to myself. I pretty much banged the whole school, just because I was the only one eating pussy"

On the other hand Match Point is his only 2 hour movie.

I have somehow seen 13 movies he's been in, including the early ones people defend. I have liked exactly one, Punch Drunk Love.

The New Jersey part.

At least C4C features actual scholars who have educations in crazy things like biblical criticism or theology and not literature.

Yeah I shouldn't have said only.

It's a targeted bombing in response to a war crime. We've been providing support to two groups of rebels for years. It's not a huge change in policy. Then again it was an attack on the right wing opposition forces and they're quite good at propaganda, so it's possible no war crime actually occurred. If it was in

China and Russia are likely only supporting Assad as a fuck you to EU and US for Libya. The two states withheld their veto and think the allies abused it. And it's not like we haven't been providing material support to the opposition for years.


To steal from Ebert's shitty review of The Thing, it's a barf bag show. I barely made it through the first episode.

California's age of consent laws are nuts. It's 18 with no closeness in age exceptions. People under 18 can't even have sex with each other, they are both committing misdemeanors.

I quit True Detective after the Vince Vaughn blowjob scene. It crystallized the fact that women were just receptacles for men's problems and semen.

Exactly how I felt about Up. Mondo Topless would have been so much better.

Seriously fuck that fur-loving shithead.

All I know is that I don't like myself for no particularly good reason

Racist, rapist. They blend together…and form the president.

She's stoned and sad. I'm not sure what it's like for most people to want to fuck you, but it's probably a bummer if some schlub rejects you.

Yeah she's great. Apatow explained why he uses his own kids in his movies on CBB. IIRC he doesn't like working with other people's kids. I know he doesn't direct this, but that's at least how his nepotism started.

What's with people giving the episodes 'F's?

And you know, You're the Worst.