
Tennesse v Garner tho.

RIP Gary Marshall.

As someone with PTSD it hit really hard. Literally my life.

I see this being near the top on a future listicle.

Something that costs her literally hundreds of votes?

So which is a lower point in Goodwin's career, this or the plagiarism?

Neo-fascist or non neo-fascist? I just can't decide.

Really those first two sounded like they brought in a sitcom writer from the 70's trying to sound hep.

He's in the CW universe; he's a 4 at best.

I liked the constant name checks of lesser known Black historical figures aka people who aren't Malcolm X, MLK, or Rosa Parks. And Luke Cage is Black as FUCK. I'm on episode eight and it's definitely Jessica Jones good.

I think Arrow veers between best and worst.

Fuck ADL for saying the anti-mosque cocksuckers weren't garbage and had a point. But their statement one Pepe basically just said it could be a sign of alt-right and the vast majority of its maymays are harmless. Pretty boring stuff.

Sure the remake had a weak second half, but 2009's Up was much better than 1976's Up!.

My district doesn't have fines either. You just get holds after you have items worth $X overdue.

Don't worry, after he destroys our economy, immigrants will just up and leave.

Gwynn, Winfield, and… nope that's it

Implying his early period wasn't bullshit?

OK you're not telling me why intelligence should play a significant role in establishing what basic rights I have? Otherwise we would be able to do whatever we want to people with severe dementia or severe retardation. Your argument is banging into contemporary philosophy and not having an ounce of support.

Do you think newborns have a sense of self and Social ID? They're working on instinct.

You don't know how dairy animals stay lactating do you?