Eat shit omniscum.
Eat shit omniscum.
Don't you just love when we talk about sentient creatures in terms of how we can extract their liquids and solids for profit?
Ok fine. Terry Schiavo.
I feel the same way. That's why I'm cool with eating new borns and the severely mentally retarded as long as they are killed quickly and humanely.
Nope. You need to add natural, necessary, and normal to your nice.
I don't know, why do people eat pigs?
This sounds racist.
> The moral repugnance of eating your own species sounds like a horrible sci-fi movie.
"napron" I didn't know Gretchen knew Middle English.
I know he was in Footlights.
A writer must have gone to Oberlin. Easy enough to find the egg chairs at Mudd, but hard to find good pictures of Stevie dining.
Just because a woman choose to do something doesn't mean it can't be an anti-feminist choice. It's like that video about a woman claiming wearing a hijab is a feminist statement. No it's a thing you do. Liberal feminism: LOL, we live in an oppressive patriarchy, but at least we rich white women the illusion of choice.
I have the PC to respect extension installed. Doesn't seem to work on disqus though.
Fuck that ableist piece of shit.
I was banned about a month ago for saying I can see why Trump wants to fuck his daughter on a picture of Ivanka. Some high quality posts there.
Jeez we get it you have friends. Quit bragging.
It's gotta be Futurama. Billie West (quite possibly the best voice actor today), John DiMaggio, Maurice LaMarche, Lauren Tom, Phil Lamarr, Tress MacNeille (aka every female Loony Toons character).
I like Barclay :-/
This is a purely informative headline and article.