
My previous job had flex time, but it was 2 days per quarter and those days didn’t roll over into the next one if you didn’t use them. Using flex time isn’t a solution. Getting paid family leave time like almost ever other first world country is.

Toss in a few of us who were born in 88 and developed early. I started feeling things I had no name for after watching that movie.

You a wonderful and beautiful person.

omg Saint Louis got something right.

Evidently they get it more than you do because you’re the one asking.

This is the first thing I thought of when I heard the story. What kind of fucked up school doesn’t go on lock down, then evac everyone, and bring in the bomb squad? My school had at least one bomb threat a year and this was always the protocall.

I was just thinking that.

My friend rolled the first joint I smoked with bible paper when we were 17. It was a blank page so no ink. She had torn it out from one of those hotel bibles a few weeks before when we were on a trip.

That’s Happiness Bunny from Shin-chan. It looks like an anime for small children but it really, really isn’t.

My boyfriend and I take turns paying. It works out well.

That is so fucked up. I feel so bad for the daughter.

A baby and a fetus aren’t organs, but the uterus is and a person is under no obligation to house a fetus in it.

Doesn’t matter. In Shimp vs Mcfall the court ruled that it is unacceptable to force another person to donate body parts. Judge Flaherty stated that forcing a person to submit against their will to another “would defeat the sanctity of the individual and would impose a rule which would know no limits, and one could not

Oh gods. I’ve been looking for the perfect cinnamon roll, and I think it’s in your kitchen. Please, ma’am. May I have one?

I hate my last name, I can’t stand the man who donated sperm to my mother (he sure as hell wasn’t a father to me, maybe closer to being my jailer), so I plan on taking my fiance’s last name. It helps that his last name sounds better with my first name,

He’s probably one of those “able to bleed, able to breed” inbred fucks.

Your reading comperhension sucks. They illegally strip searched her on the side of the road.

You are an amazing parent. I had to start blocking a bookshelf in front of my bedroom to get my parents to leave me alone on the weekends. If I didn’t have any obligations, I was sleeping.

Woke up at 5:15 to catch the bus at any time between 5:50 and 6:10 (bus drive was having an affair with a coworker so it was a toss up if he was going to be on time or not) to get to school in time for first hour at 7:15. It fucking sucked.

I’m guessing you’ve never heard of the Hyde Amendment.