Do it. It will be so worth it.
Do it. It will be so worth it.
So my father (married to my mother at the time) raping and beating her 3 weeks after my birth is the work of a "good man". Huh, I'll have to tell my mother this. I'm sure it will make her go running back to him...
I doubt that since the whole point is to have something that's vibrating...
I'll have to tell that one to my old boss. Him and his wife were from China and had a little Buddha alter at the back of the kitchen and burned incense.
I would have been telling them to go fuck themselves. That shit is just as bad as catcalls.
So I am I the only one who just assumed the members of Smashing Pumpkins were dead ?
My mom worked for a person like that. She was only allowed to use 4 squares of the onion paper thin toilet paper (actually, onion paper probably would have been more absorbent). She found out that the owner and his wife brought in their own toilet paper to use and hid it under the sink, so she started using theirs.
Thanks! I just inherited a tension band. We'll see how that goes tonight when I test it out.
I'm living proof of this. I'm trying to be as active as possible (using the exercise room at work, going out walking during the weekends, etc) but it's so hard because of the extra weight that I put on while on birth control.
Sometimes you have to put your foot down in these situations. I know it seems harsh and unfair to your mom, but she's part of the problem as well. It sounds like both your parents need help. I wish you luck. I know how hard it can be with hoarders and enablers.
That's exactly how it is. I've seen it time and time again in both my family and outside of it. I may not be able to change my brother, but I will raise any sons I have to be better than that.
That's fucked up. Good on your friend and her career thought.
I remember being about 3 years old and tinkling right through my little kid undies because I was so excited to use the big kid toilet and really needed to go. I'm sure my mother was about as enthused as you are about your kiddo.
I've seen the opposite happening. All the teen and early to mid 20 mothers I know are the ones sprouting this shit. So many women I went to high school with who had kids early tell me how much their kid ruined their life and how they can't go party, etc.
If my brother had been born first, I'm positive I would have never been born. My brother could do no wrong. His grades were shit, his personality is shit, and he wouldn't know empathy if it bit him on the arse, but with him it was always "boys will be boys" or "he's younger and doesn't know better" when my father…
I feel so bad for kids with popular names. Mine is a popular name from the 80s. Not quite as popular as Amanda or Ashleigh but there was always at least 1 other girl with it in my class.
Backspelling is a Scottish thing. The name Senga is Anges backwards.
That's when you start calling them by their surname. It's what a few of my teachers in high school did with the Amandas.
My cousin named her little boy Jaxon a few years ago at the beginning of the trend. Even back then I cringed.
I got dragged to a Nickleback 'concert' by my mother a few years ago. Chad Kroger is one of the biggest douchbags I've had the displeasure of listening to. He's so into himself, I'm surprised he wasn't jacking off on stage.