
AVC = AV Club

Chuck's alignment has to be Lawful Evil, right?

Hey, sometimes death IS anti-climatic, even if you are a main character.

No. But The Shawshank Redemption topped them both, IMO.

Carl is a preteen? The actor that plays him is 15 and turns 16 this summer.

Even if Carl doesn't get laid, he always have that sweet, sweet can of pudding as a substitute.

I think in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, you may as well toss away the question of whether or not it would hold up in court

I don't care how absurd Rosita's short shorts are. I want her to keep on wearing them.

Suspension of belief wouldn't kill you, you know. Heck, if you did that you could chalk it all up to a "guilty pleasure" form of entertainment. Just saying…