

"That said, there are many more pure-stealth additions to the game—you can hide dead or unconscious enemies, you have a much more flexible and customizable arsenal, and it's possible to play through many of the levels without killing anyone or being detected at all."

No, he wouldn't be court martialed at all. If you'd read the article you'd know these skull masks have been worn by U.S. troops before. If anything, he'd get yelled at by an NCO and take it off until the NCO was gone, then put it back on long enough for his buddy to get a picture of it.

I don't know what resources you're looking at, but the Vatican ran a deficit last year. Most Dioceses barely break even and many run serious deficits—in the wake of the pedophilia settlements sometimes crushing ones. Being a massive landholder is an especially meaningless financial achievement. If they were sitting on

The Vatican ran a deficit last year. It's a large organization with a lot of financial obligations, and its silly to suggest it isn't "sharing" enough because it wont sell off priceless artwork to pay for bus routes in Spain.

Being liquid and being forced to liquidate are two different things. Having to come up with cash to cover civil or criminal liability doesn't mean you are or were liquid. For the Catholic Church, a not inconsiderable amount of that cash came out of closing programs, schools, or even churches, and several dioceses

Because removing priceless artworks from their original context and selling them to the highest bidder is a permanent tragedy with a highly temporary reward. There are plenty of things to criticize the Catholic hierarchy for, but curating and preserving a massive piece of the Western world's cultural heritage is not

For that matter, even if it was 177 billion, what did they spend this 177 billion on? If it was all on silk cassocks and red shoes, then fine, there's some criticism due, but more likely most of it was spent on millions of varying social programs spread across 6 continents. Those assets aren't "liquid" in any

And they should just sell those off? To whom? Foreign museums? Private collectors? The Italian state sure doesn't have the money to snatch up that collection.

Yeah but that's only half of the picture. If we're gonna make sweeping generalizations about privilege and outgroup violence, there needs to be some data backing the claim that these mass murderers tend to attack people outside of their community, and so far I'm not seeing it. Kehoe and Klebold and Lanza all targeted

You're mixing up burdens here. If you're going to make a sweeping generalization about privilege and violence, you need both pieces—not just minories who mostly keep violence in group, but majorities, who don't. Klebold and Kehoe and Lanza didn't take their violence out of their community either. It manifested

Neither did Lanza or Klebold or Kehoe.

Ok, that one is actually kinda funny.

It's not kidnapping. It's surprise adoption.

Meh. For every advance made by sociopaths with no limits, there are two made by their peers who fled the hellhole those sociopaths created.

Damn straight. America's greatest strength has always been our ability to poach some of the world's best minds from their home countries. My Father in law (a foreign-born scientist) loves telling the story of when George W. Bush gave a speech at the national laboratory he works at. Bush began by proclaiming "my fellow

She didn't say "our way or no way" sure, but you don't think maybe the comment was at least a little bit snide?

The Catholic church does not teach that non-procreative sex is sinful.

Am I the only one here who kinda hoped this would write in some kind of concrete?

Where's the usual chorus of evo-psych haters on this?