I loved Blue Velvet in all it's fucked up glory. I'm not always a fan of Lynch's work but I loved that one.
I loved Blue Velvet in all it's fucked up glory. I'm not always a fan of Lynch's work but I loved that one.
I don't know what his endgame is but that theme of abuse of women means something to Lynch. Not sure if he wants to explore it, denounce it or if he just gets off on it. But it's intentional.
I think the show works if you don't demand for it to be logical or likeable. If you accept that it's weird and can appreciate it on that level alone you can enjoy it.
too ghetto for my tastes. Survivor's Remorse is at a level I can manage.
It only manifests every 7 years
a human struggling with their emotions…something tells me I could find someone in that situation somewhere in fiction.
not me…I loved Klingon episodes. Sins of the Father is my favorite episode in the franchise.
Data's banging one Harry Mudd's fembots.
not me. I feel about the Vulcans the way Zapp Brannigan felt about the Neutral People. I don't trust them.
DS9 worked on a lot of levels. The moral ambiguity helped flesh out the characters.
I always thought Tuvok was…bitchy. Seriously he wasn't logical. He was downright catty. If he had said half that shit on real house wives bitches would throw down.
Tuvok was horrible. He was just…not quite as horrible as the rest of the cast.
Once you go green everyone else seems mean
I think Troi got creeped out at all the patients who came to tell her about the loads they squirted in the holodeck.
Rom and Nog always had to clean up the loads in the holosuites.
I feel like the vulcans would have been happier if they learned to masturbate.
I was going to say something about greatness thrust upon someone but it sounded too much like anal rape.
I liked that Odo more or less despised humanoids. He was curious about them and envied them but he really had to make an effort to be around them.
oh so she's kinda like the white girl at the NAACP who told everyone she was black.
Wonder Woman was a good movie…but some parts were legitimately cheesy and should have been left out.