
pretty sure that will be the last scene of the series

I never thought the first year was weak. It was low stakes because that's what a vice president's world is.

She liked that they were elitist but she was trying to suck up to rich southern oil people who try to look humble and folksy.

I never feel sympathy for Gary. Or Katherine. Or Dan.

this one really didn't work for me and I think this was the worst episode to date. I don't think we should ever see Gary's family. They should always be some sort of redneck mystery.

I miss the dim witted volunteer lady who looked like Grimace

couldn't this kid be a son of Audrey's uncle Jerry? He was always a bit creepy.

I thought he lived with his uncle

I don't think Lynch cares about white privilege…

I would like to think people wouldn't act that way. But then I think about the girl I worked with at a call center who had a seizure…everyone looked at her then went back to their call while she was twitching on the floor. Sigh.

His best work IMO is Blue Velvet.

I think that's unfair…he works great as a skeevy loser.

I think he just liked it better over there. Restaurants were a lot quieter I imagine,

upvote ^ infinity

as an atheist and a bit of a nihilist I don't understand the distinction

yeah but they're also telling you if you don't have a religion you just end up in darkness. So it's also anti anti-religion :)

book spoiler…Mr. World is a long con of someone else. So he's not a delusion or a theory…but he's a deception.

you've got Gillian Anderson playing a man on American Gods and David Duchovny playing a woman on Twin Peaks. We live in strange times.

(writing this down)

Mr. World and Arthur Jensen from Network have a similar ethos.