Felicity wouldn't have been tied to him. William is an illegitimate child and there is no legal binding relationship between Oliver and William.
Felicity wouldn't have been tied to him. William is an illegitimate child and there is no legal binding relationship between Oliver and William.
Oliver didn't want his son anywhere near Felicity. He planned on never telling her. The one time he did tell her she threw a fit, ruined their plan, Vandal Savage destroyed the city and Barry had to reset the timeline.
yeah but Oliver murdered her boyfriend. So maybe he should have been the bigger man and not asked for help with his relationship.
I think they were in a limo with Moira when Deathstroke got her.
I don't see why people get in limos with Oliver. Between this, Felicity getting shot and Moira getting abducted and murdered by Deathstroke you would think people would be leery.
I think Billy Malone is the Vigilante.
Making Savitar turn out to be Joe will be a legitimate surprise.
Oliver: Hey Felicity do you wanna double date. Bring Billy.
Lady from Lady & The Tramp + Belle from Beauty and the Beast?
you missed the scene where Cricket mounted Belle while Frank was running the cameras.
you know you have true friends for life when they give you lemons and let you smoke angel dust in their bathroom.
I think Bill's great…Maureen not so much.
you shut your goddamn whore mouth
you're right that poster hasn't solved your issue of how to bend space/time so you can watch both shows at once and still follow both plots.
Personally Mon-El's the only character on the show I really like…so they can ditch James and Winn.
he's the reason I watch
Yes he was rubbing really fast and really vigorously
Caleb's buddy Chick is still RATCHET
So is Caleb the hero of the story? Interesting choice…making the sister raper the good guy.
in the comics I think they also have a brother named Chic Cooper