
I thought so too. I live in a small town. It actually would be noticed. One of our city HR workers got arrested for embezzling from her second job a while back and it was kind of scandalous she wasn't immediately fired from her city job and was still handling our insurance.

I don't think it's explicitly been said but it makes the most sense that Mr. Lodge belongs to one of the old money families from Riverdale. Like more than anyone else on the show he absolutely should be from Riverdale IMO.

Cheryl: Veronica I'm in love with you.
Veronica: I'm not interested in you that way. Let's stay friends.
Cheryl: So uh…you don't like girls?
Veronica: I like Betty

Marge: I guess it's never the most likely suspect.
Lisa: Actually, Mom, in 95% of cases, it is. The rest of the time, it's usually some deranged lunatic who did it for no reason.

If you listen to the wind during a blood moon you can still hear Aunt Jemima killing rednecks in the woods

maybe they could do a Treehouse of Horrors type deal where we get one supernatural episode per season

personally I think we're going to find out Hiram Lodge somehow swapped Cheryl and Archie at birth and that Cheryl's real mother is Hermione Lodge

and they will kill to protect that secret

There's a great grandmother on Days of Our Lives who inexplicably has a blue stripe in her otherwise brown hair.

I get that…but that's why I don't there were any real hints they were attracted to each other before the episode they slept together.

I thought this was the worst of the series. But I loved last week's because of Dee's stunt with the stripper.

See I can't see Mac or Frank giving valentines to anyone. Mac wouldn't have given one to Frank or Charlie because that's gay (I appreciate the irony) but he wasn't out yet. And he hates Dee.

but he doesn't want to bang ANY of them.

right…most of the episodes seem to have a good handle on who these characters are and what their specific quirks are…and this one just didn't seem to jive with the characters.

best part of the episode

I don't think that's true…they just worked well as a team. When they slept together it really was out of the blue. When they got addicted to cocaine, eating people and when they were trying to score with the Tafts they got along but usually they treat each other like crap.

I'm kinda curious how the Waitress would react to finding out her stalker banged her frenemy

I hated Old Lady House…and I say that as someone who loves Bonnie and Mrs. Mac.

yes…because every other episode got a laugh out of me. This one did not…the comedic timing just seemed awful.

kinda neutral on that one…didn't hate it. I liked seeing Pop Pop again.