
Is it Alpha and her crew? Do people still say crew?

surprisingly little

I'm on Team Gregory. He may not have a team but I don't like my other options…except Ezekiel…he's got that tiger and Jerry.

yeah she's the only hot chick on the show. I mean the others are alright. Just Rosita is the hot useless chick every group needs.

it's a character trait. That puts him miles above most of the cast of nobodies.

yeah I realized I totally agree with Gregory about everything. He's that guy that gets introduced onto a show that comments on how stupid the main characters are (see Julian on Flash) and the audience is supposed to hate him. But I don't hate him. I just hope after Negan and Rick destroy each other Gregory's left to

to me she's still the new girl

The Misadventures of Sasha and Rosita

next time Rosita's going to sleep with Sasha just so Negan can kill her.

I'm far more invested in Jerry than I should be.

but Chuck's not a racist stereotype. Making him nauseatingly perfect would have been boring and if he was really the stereotype he would have been a thug (which he so wasn't). They made him a creep without making him a thug.

I don't have a problem with it. Black characters are usually relegated to being perfect or being thugs. Chuck got to be a scumbag without being an urban stereotype. He was just an over privileged piece of shit.

I'm curious if Mac loses religion because of his new identity or if he becomes like a gay republican

To me this episode is sort of the sequel to the Country Mac one. In that one they acknowledge Mac's gay, that they hate Mac and that they do not in fact hate Mac because he's gay…they liked Country Mac who was gay. Mac just…ruins everything.

Sometimes I think Frank can actually be hateful. But he's from another time.

let a few people perish in 2 fires and then you get a bad reputation

Did Rex perish in the Ass Kickers cult fire? There was always a running gag he liked Rex.

knowing Charlie…no. I know he slept with her once…but he's like a camel. He won't need any for years.

I thought Megan Ganz was Ms. Martian

Windell Middlebrooks the actor who played her husband Nick on Sunny died a couple years back of a pulmonary embolism.