
Yeah I think they realized they short changed Mac last season. They were staying true to all the characters overall arc of never changing but I think they realized they just played it safe with Mac and there wasn't a good reason not to pull the trigger on this.

I'm think Felicity's dead boyfriend = Prometheus = Talia and Nyssa's brother Dusan al Ghul

Oliver wants to redeem these women…with his penis

Me too!!!

i don't think Charle smoked on screen until he got health insurance in season 4 and I don't think Dee took up the habit until the 9th season when the gang broke Dee

On Seinfeld you would see the characters have recurring girlfriends or boyfriends. I think the longest relationships on this show are Ben the soldier and Dee and Frank and Artemis.

I hope Rob and Kaitlin's kids never watch the show.

Next season episodes:

and they were the two against smoking in Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Asses

If Wes Anderson and Stanley Kubrick had a baby it would look like this

a co-worker's brother designs props for the show…the co-worker told me a month ago about the sexercycle as he called it. He tried to explain what it was but I already knew what it was as soon as he called it the sexercycle and knew who it had to be for.

I'm not disagreeing with you. That's why I enjoyed my trip to England…it was nice to see the perspective of our allies.

Yeah I've come to agree with you. The British were the real heroes of WW2. We Americans were late to the party.

Hitler's role in Tom Sawyer

Mr. Robot with mutants?

If liking talking Gorillas is wrong I don't wanna be right

I always thought he was the worst Flash foe. Like out of all of them he was the one I thought sucked the most.

Make Earth-1 great again!


Phillip J Frye didn't let it stop him