
And Mari discovers this next year after she becomes pregnant with Henry Heywood's child when she goes back to WW2.

Usually when a show does this plot they lay out why the brainwashed character is so integral to the show…this show isn't doing that. It's kind of saying we don't have anything better to do with Rip.

I went to England for holiday last year and watched this British documentary about WW2 in my hotel room one night. Living in America all my life I had naturally assume the USA were like super heroes in WW2…I don't think the UK cared for us much as allies. I was shocked.

there are parts we like and parts we don't like

Next season Sara becomes Dark Phoenix…marvel has signed off on it.

Spoiler…the season finale ends up with the Legends team accidentally creating Belgium. It doesn't exist anywhere else in the multiverse.

what else

I think he's just there to teach Amaya about casual sex

there is no pregnancy in the temporal zone…while not true…take some comfort in it

I believe that the prophets arranged for the Department of Temporal Investigations to put in their by laws "let Sisko do whatever the hell he wants…that man's crazy"

because we live in the darkest timeline…our timeline has evil Kirk and everything

he tried that trick on Iris late one night and she ended up on earth 2

she's also big into pegging

Killer Frost + Doctor Alchemy = Golden Snow!!!

He's as average as Abradolf Lincler

In the comics Cecile was Barry's lawyer during his murder trial for killing Reverse Flash. That's not relevant but I couldn't figure out how to introduce it into the conversation organically.

Watch 12…by the creators of 24.

I would think the city would burn down before the day is out

I don't know…24 panders to what I think Muslims are like…so I never get offended.

she seemed awful…brown…to be his cousin.