
I've enjoyed the post Ragnar episodes fine…but that was because his death gave the show some momentum. But they've resolved all of Ragnar's outstanding business. Next year they really will have moved on from Ragnar and I'm not sure the characters they have are worth following.

Marty Stu

It's a show about vikings…being disappointed in sex and violence means you kinda don't get the show or the concept of the Vikings in general. You definitely should stop watching.

I don't see why they didn't kill the other one…what's his name…Hvitserk.
The real Hvitserk never did much of anything noteworthy did he?

I thought Ivar's assessment of Bjorn making things complicated so he can look smarter was spot on. I mean normally I would agree with the guy who wants the more nuanced plan…but Bjorn's just a big dummy who is trading on his father's good name.

for some reason I've always rooted for Aethelwulf.

didn't they kill her off last season and it didn't take. Like she was burned to death one episode and then in a later episode she was walking around fine? I just figured the actress kept showing up on set and they didn't have the heart to sic security on her.

in real life didn't Sigurd marry King Aella's daughter?

was the cab driver Charlie?

yeah it didn't quite grab me.

Maybe they could do like a Seinfeld finale…make the finale Dennis's murder trial and bring in lots of guest stars

Bill is great. He's like a reminder that there are worse people in the world than the gang.

I thought that first appearance he made all those years ago was really good…but it's been diminishing returns ever since.

Bill's like the one character who is more horrible than the gang.

I thought she looked like Nightman

Me and 2 former co-workers from work went through an unfortunate Borat phase where we quoted Borat lines back at each other.

Are they doing it on Syfy as well…I bought the Magicians season premiere on Amazon and there were like 20 different f-bombs in that one episode. I figure a network might let you slide with one or two.

Do they rerun Vikings or the 100? I really want to watch both episodes tonight.

it's a testament to how much I dislike Rip that I was enjoying the torture scene.

you mean bitchy…the Legion is filled with scenery chewing catty bitches.