
I like the tone from Marvel's Netflix. I like the characters from the Arrowverse even though there is a lot that seems hokey or low budget. I love the dark and gritty stuff from Marvel but I'm not invested in the characters like I am the arrowverse which I've followed for 10-12 seasons worth (does Supergirl count?)

2nd best episode after the Invasion episode.

The problem with that is that I really want Cisco to hit that…

I think the episode leaves that possibility open…then again maybe there's a "vibe force" and every earth has someone that taps it (Vibe, Gypsy, Reverb)

so like…this show exists. That's odd.

every white person asks this question…

Xenu = Highfather

I have an uncle Jim…I can't ever imagine calling him James.

I loved that Julian humiliated Barry with math

murder aside he was pretty supportive…

I liked it…most of season 1 I thought she was dumb and irrelevant until she ditched her blog and went into Journalism. Now that she's trying to be a somebody I respect her.

which was actually good for a change. Watching Damien, Malcolm and Eobard chew scenery and snipe at each other made me forget all about the crappy main characters.

Julian is an excellent member of the team. He's there to poop on all their ideas. Finally someone tells these people their ideas suck.

Julian never leave…you sassy bitch.

Years of watching General Hospital and Days of Our Lives has taught me how this mystery will end.

Pietro only diddled his sister in the ultimate universe. In the main universe Wanda married a toaster dildo and then they had kids using the dark arts I think.

totally getting a Lannister vibe

maybe the other twin could play one of Jughead's cousins…Bingo or Souphead

Veronica was always the better character IMO

throws out Hamlet fan fiction…