
I love Aleida. I think she's a horrible person and I don't really sympathize with her but I do love her.

I have a black girl in my office I'm buddies with who acts just like Aleidia, has the same body type and a similar looking face.

Everyone keeps calling Judy King a Martha Stewart type…she seems clearly based on Paula Deen to me with her folksy unintentional racism.

well let's hope we have many more years of her.

I loved My Name Is Earl

now that we live in the golden age of television with all these prestige dramas on cable I can't bring myself to watch many sitcoms. I like Veep and IASIP because they are shows tailored suited for someone as hateful as myself. But the feel good shlocky NBC/CBS/Fox/ABC sitcoms of time past just kind of stink.

Julia Louis Dreyfus: I've won 4 emmys for Veep
Clark Gregg: I'm on Agents of SHIELD
Julia Louis Dreyfus: Well…that's something I guess.

tempestuous or incestuous? Isn't Dany Jon's maybe auntie?

well it has humorous scenery chewing if nothing else

"but Momma I'm high borne"

agreed…that was one of the best battle scenes ever shown on Television.

Sansa is what this world has made her and I don't begrudge her for wanting to even scores.

I loved that Sansa was an ice cold bitch. This is what all her years of torture have led her to. Her father's execution, being a prisoner at kings Landing getting lessons on being an ice cold bitch from Cersei, being married off to the imp going from Joffrey to Littlefinger to Ramsay each using her in their own ways.

It may not be something a proper lord is trained to do but I feel Rickon would have lived if someone had taught him how to zigzag.

My favorite moment was when Sansa was watching the dogs eat Ramsey she briefly turned her head away, thought better of it and then turned her head back to watch.

well they terrify me.

One thing I love about her character…she's a horrible person who struggles with sexism.

the last two have fallen kind of flat for me. No hyperbolic whining about how the show is doomed or unfunny…but these 2 just didn't connect.

My favorite Ben line was from his first episode I think:

I think you're right. The twist last year worked. But Tom James can't get appointed President due to a tie serve 4 years and then serve another 8 years. This time the shark jumped. Not as big of a jump as when the first lady became vice president on House of Cards (what a deceptively awful show) but still.