
everyone needs a Gary who offers nothing but support and takes random abuse

Catherine is my least favorite. I love everyone else.

Jon kind of went the Glenn Rhee route

I thought they were CGI

this is what it feels like when doves cry

Varys and Littlefinger have nothing on Niles and Frasier

What actually should have Jon done? He didn't have any moves.

R'hllor, Jacob and the cylon God often regift plot armor.

I'm imagining Krystal and Helena in a van solving mysteries.

Sarah will make it to the quickening

In a shocking turn of events Westmoreland turns out to be Mr. Sinister.

I'm thinking it's Mrs. S's dead husband John Sadler.

I liked season 3 way more than season 4. This season just didn't click. Last year's castor plots may not have clicked but everything else did.

Seeing Rachel kick ass made me love her even more.

I kind of like mad scientist sexually inappropriate Dr. Duncan.

Marion Bowles

I loved the Sarah/Rachel fight because Rachel really got some moves in. I like that when it came down to it Rachel can be just as nasty in a brawl as she can be in the boardroom.

I'm still wondering why Marion Bowles was raising her to begin with. That was a vague character that never went anywhere.

I'm sure Westmoreland is Mrs. S's dead hubbie.

If Rachel starts talking to an empty chair I'm dunzo