
how many times has Red Skull used a cosmic cube. Maybe Steve should find a way for him to NOT DO THAT. Ahem.

I don't think America can recover if Steve is the bottom

but then it got retconned into being real all along later I think…Englehart's run ran with the Sam actually was a pimp idea.

If you chop off one two more rise to take it's place

The Pakistani one right?

first world problems

I like that Steve spent decades pretending to be a hero but having to deal with Jack Flagg annoyed him so much he chucked it all to kill Jack.

wasn't he like Bishop's granddad or something. Or maybe he was M's granddad. Or M was Bishop's grandma.

except on Earth X where he actually turned into a woman. But alternate realities blah blah blah

I always liked the one where Scarlet Witch's children turned out to be parts of Mephisto's soul.

They should have stuck with Ben Reilly when they had the chance.

I found out the other day you get carcinogens from eating brisket. You just can't win in this world.

Hodor died

the rand corportation…which at Marvel is run by Iron Fist I think.

I told a co-worker who had just finished book 5 about Jon being resurrected in season 6 out of sheer spite.

I think it's because people secretly wanted Care Bears and Rainbow Bright to have great power.

I think the writers at Marvel have to keep coming up with odd ideas that are newsworthy or Breevort beats them

I miss the simplier days when Peter beat on Mary Jane and worried about clones.


the Eliza Sinclair person in the story is Red Skull's daughter Sinthea…somehow.