
I thought it was the Flash

that's how bisexuals started

Steve Rogers: Fuck you guys I'm moving to Canada.

The Howling Commandos grew up to become the Village People

No he was a wolf like Capwolf

Baron Blood

I don't think anyone cares about Mike having a baby…and I say that as Mike's biggest fan. I didn't care about Mike getting married either.

If there's one thing Starks excel at it's fucking shit up.

Ben is perfect and needs to stay. But Jonah's uncle can be added to the show. There's no one on the show who deserves to be replaced.

honestly if he insulted Leslie I think she would have finally come to respect him. Leslie thought Jerry was spineless and she loves to argue.

oh god that must be it

Yes *we* do.

I love Mike's character you philistine. He's perfect as a burnout who coasts through work. He's my hero.

I think season 9 should be Jonah as vice president

I want him to win because he totally doesn't deserve to.

Art does have a nice voice

could Marjorie be a kid Selina gave up for adoption

oops never mind

I seem to remember the last time we saw Jonah's uncle in season 3 he was a lot nicer.

omigod Jerry Gergich in Veep…nerdgasm