
geez how many Game of Thrones actors have had sex scenes with other Game of Thrones actors outside of the show?

I'm sure he will die surrounded by his great grandchildren.

the scene between Jon and Sansa made me smile…this was the first time I smiled while watching this show…except all those times someone died that I didn't like.

Maybe she taps into white people's desire to be worshiped.

Sansa is for the first time likeable. Now stay that way damn it.

Well, on air I'm gonna keep in with her.
Off air I'm telling the Nazis that she's hiding in the attic.

cool…Julia Louis Dreyfus's half-sister played Andrew's girlfriend

Kendra and her awesome sense of comedic timing

1. If the Time Masters didn't try hard to kill them then the group would probably figure out they're being manipulated. Play the part and all that.

Felicity: Well I dumped Oliver, Barry is marrying Iris and I think Ray may be gay.

wonder what he will do on Arrow.

TNG would have been more tolerable if they killed people off each week.

Sara: Laurel it's not my fault I slept with Oliver. The Time Masters made me do it!

it's just that Barry's actions often highlight that he is a very very stupid person.

He took temporal mechanics at the community college

I kept thinking of Ultron but I guess he was going for Pinocchio.

Sara's heart?

maybe it's time remnant Snart not Earth-2 Snart.

I think she should break the cycle of doomed time travel romance and choose lesbianism with Sara. Nothing bad ever happens to Sara.

most of us may have already known that tidbit