
Now I'll never get my Captain Cold/Killer Frost pr0n.

I took it as:

Nyssa, Thea, Killer Frost and Sara…Birds of Prey.

I'm hoping the Time Trapper and Mordru gang rape the time masters ad infinitum.

After the Crisis on Infinite TV Shows Kara turns out to be Snart's sister.

new names, actors, and backstories ought to fix it.

did that bit about Vandal and the Thanagarians remind anyone of the Young Justice animated series?

I think I read he's supposed to reappear on all of the shows in the Arrowverse.

Carter and Kendra need to go back to Thanagar and die.

As long as Snart was allowed to watch with Rory I'm sure he would be supportive.

Batman the Animated Series was in the 90's and it was awesome.

next year sounds like it will be about the Thanagarians so I can't imagine why they would involve her.

I liked the pulling our strings all along concept better in Angel season 4 or Battlestar Galactica season 4.

A? Good god this episode sucked and blowed and maybe even felched.

I've used that line to end conversations I don't want to be in. Usually with co-workers.

Cosima: Krystal that's not how science works.

I fully expect Sarah, Allison and Cosimia to be clique-ish and freeze Krystal out.

I think she woke up last season when Delphine visited her.

So did Susan raise Rachel and Ira at separate times or were Rachel and Ira raised as siblings?

I personally think the real MK died so Beth could take her place. Neither MK or Beth expected Sarah to steal Beth's identity when they mapped the plan out.