
I get the vibe he will do everything in Pied Piper's best interests to grow the company but by doing so will do things that will annoy Richard and his team.

isn't that how they said it?

I think his destiny by series end is to fall ass backwards into being a billionaire.

the trick is to make a pass at a dude before you get fired so you can sue them for firing you for being gay.

I could totally see Selina making the "why is that your hair" remark.

The thing about Selina is that I think every politician everywhere throughout the history of time is as vile as she is. With her we just get to see how vile.

"we need to round up some blacks and fast"

I feel stupid that I thought Tom James was vice president last season and that Andrew Doyle had left the position. I guess they're waiting to change until after the inauguration if it happens.

wasn't she on Better Call Saul last week?

this is that rare show where I love everyone. Except Catherine…but I think we're supposed to hate her.

I never knew Lena Dunham was on Game of Thrones.

You have to admire a cult that makes fitness a prerequisite.

I was expecting Watts to be the Nazi's father not father-in-law. So I guess I just picked the wrong grandfather.

I hate the idea of Proctor having something to do with her death. If Clay Burton did it behind Kai's back then I can accept it.

I like to think Banshee is a suburb of Gotham City somehow

I wish they had introduced this character earlier in the series. She seems great but we're not going to see a lot of her.

she went all Ripley vs the queen with it.

I'm just hoping Rollo doesn't have to bottom for the king.

I kind of got the vibe Aslaug and Bjorn are fucking. I think when Ragnar left they were the two most powerful forces at work in the settlement and it's clear they haven't turned on each other yet.

oh like Siggy was such a paragon of virtue