
I voted for Kodos

"I'd rather be shot in the face than serve as vice president again. Seriously, in the fucking face."

I aspire to be as awful as Mike.

I work in a district attorney's office and use this phrase at work…a lot.

I clap like a seal whenever Helena and Donnie share scenes

On the 100 the main character made a choice that killed like 200 people many of them innocent. That's a baller move IMO.

I remember this soap opera Another World did something really meta like that once.

No it would be like having a spinoff of say Golden Girls and Empty Nest that used popular characters from both shows…and then put them on a flying time machine.

I like the 100 more than Agents of the SHIELD honestly. Agents of SHIELD is always a slog.

They said Rip's name is Michael.

I like Sara, Ray, Snart and Martin…I just hate the premise so so badly.

Carter didn't need sugar Ray!

it's sad that the Kendra/Ray stuff was the only stuff in this episode I could stomach. The whole time travel assassin stuff and Jefferson & his dad plots didn't do it for me at all.

I feel like they really need to tell us how time travel works in this universe to make sense of the plots…which never make sense.

I thought it was a slog. Time traveling assassin comes back in time to kill everyone as teenagers so the group kidnaps themselves as babies while Jefferson bonds with the dad who died before he was born.

this episode was more awful than usual.

That's why I connect with the character

yes Rollo won…sort of. I was rooting for Rollo.

him and Cookie make the show. Those kids though…not really invested.

I have a friend of a friend who says his name is Lucius but his parents didn't know how to spell it so his name is actually Luscious.